SCT '61 Photo Index
Tynemouth & District
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1. FT4220
Gosport & Fareham (Provincial), Hoeford 36, FT4220, was one of three A.E.C. O661 Regents with Pickering H30/26R bodies acquired in 1957 from Tynemouth & District.
Photo taken Sunday 15 June 1958, West Street, Fareham
2. FT4222
Gosport & Fareham (Provincial) 39, FT4222, was an AEC 0661 Regent new to Tynemouth & District T95 in 1937 with a Weymann H26/26F body.
Photo taken Sunday 15 June 1958, Gosport Ferry Terminus
3. FT4222
From time to time, Tynemouth's Pickering bodied batch of Meadows 6DC 1949 Guy Arabs has been mentioned.
Photo taken 1953?, Haymarket, Newcastle
4. FT6146
Former Tynemouth 146, FT6146, an AEC Regent II with Weymann H30-26R body new in 1948 with William B Kerr, North Shields
Photo taken Oct/Nov 1960
5. FT7383
Now DT42, FT7383, this was one of ten H30/26R Weymann bodied Guy Arab III G5LWs new to Tynemouth & District in 1952; FT7381-90, 181-190.
Photo taken 1965/6, NGT Central Works Bensham
6. FT7384
Tynemouth 184, FT7384, a Guy Arab III with Weymann H30/26R body new in 1952.
Photo taken 1962, Northumberland Square, North Shields
7. FT7386
Tynemouth 186, FT7386, a Guy Arab III with Weymann H30/26R body new in 1952.
Photo taken circa 1960, North Shields Bus Park
8. FT7895
Tynemouth 195, FT7895, a 1954 Guy Arab with Weymann Orion body.
Photo taken 1955?, Carliol Street, Newcastle
9. FT9005
Tynemouth 205, FT9005, a 1955 Metro Cammell Orion bodied Guy Arab IV, with as Ronnie H. eludes to "more rattles than Mothercare".
Photo taken c.1965/6, Bus Park at the back of Northumberland Square, North Shields
10. FT9411
Tynemouth 211, FT9411, was a Guy Arab IV with a Park Royal H35/28R body.
Photo taken Saturday 5 August 1967, near Northumberland Square, North Shields
11. FT9414
Tynemouth 214, FT9414, a 1956 Park Royal bodied Guy Arab IV, is about to be "jumped" by a trio of 1949, formerly Meadows 6DC engined, Guy Arab IIIs.
Photo taken 1960s, the former bus park at North Shields
12. AFT49
Tynemouth 219, AFT49, a Leyland Titan PD2/12 built in 1957 with Willowbrook H35/28R bodywork. On driver training duties and a number of Northern service vehicles in the background.
Photo taken June 1972, NGT Queen Street Depot, Gateshead
13. FT4221
Gosport & Fareham (Provincial), Hoeford 37, FT4221, seen at the Gosport Ferry Terminal, was one of three such buses acquired from Tynemouth & District in 1957, following the fire at Hoeford.
Photo taken Sunday 15 March 1959, Gosport Ferry Terminal
14. FT9917
Tynemouth 217, FT9917, an AEC Reliance with Willowbrook DP43F body new in 1957.
Photo taken November 1961, Coast Road/Falstaff Avenue, Billy Mill
15. AFT924
Tynemouth 224, AFT924, a 1958 PD3 with Metro Cammell H73R bodywork lays over in Balkwell whilst working a lunchtime workmen's service from Smith's Dock.
Photo taken mid 1960s, Brandon Road, junction Falstaff Road, Balkwell, North Shields
16. AFT926
Tynemouth & District 226, AFT926, a Leyland Titan PD3/4 built in 1958 with Metro-Cammell Orion H41/32R bodywork.
Photo taken July 1971, United AS Depot, Hartlepool
17. AFT929
Tynemouth 229, AFT929, a Leyland PD3 with Metro Cammell Orion H73R body, the second of the 1958 batch.
Photo taken mid 1960s, North Shields
18. AFT932
Tynemouth & District 232, AFT932, a Leyland Titan PD3/4 with Metro-Cammell H41/32R body, new in 1958.
Photo taken Thursday 3 August 1967, Park Avenue, Whitley Bay
19. AFT933
Tynemouth 233, AFT933, a Leyland PD3/4 with Metro Cammell H73R body new in 1958
Photo taken circa 1961, junction Howard St/Northumberland Square, North Shields
20. AFT934
Wakefields 234, AFT934, a 1958 Leyland PD3 with Metro Cammell H73R body.
Photo taken late 1960s, Mullen Road, Sunholme, Wallsend
21. AFT934
Wakefields 234, AFT934, a 1958 PD3 with Metro Cammell Orion H73R body.
Photo taken 1963, Howard Street, North Shields
22. DFT245
Tynemouth & District 245, DFT245, a Leyland Atlantean PDR1/1 built in 1960 with Roe H44/34F bodywork.
Photo taken August 1968, Park Lane Bus Station, Sunderland
23. FFT813
Tynemouth 263, FFT813, a Leyland PSU3 with Willowbrook DP49F body new in 1962.
Photo taken 1963, North Shields Bus Park
24. FFT813
Tynemouth 263, FFT813,a Leyland PSU3 with Willowbrook DP49F body new in 1962, seen shortly after delivery one evening inside Percy Main garage.
Photo taken 1962, Percy Main garage
25. FFT813
Front end detail of newly delivered Tynemouth 263, FFT813, a Leyland PSU3 with Willowbrook DP49F body new in 1962.
Photo taken 1962, Percy Main garage
26. FFT813
Tynemouth 263, FFT813, a Leyland PSU3 with Willowbrook DP49F body new in 1962, another view inside Percy Main shortly after delivery.
Photo taken 1962, Percy Main Garage
27. HFT372
East Yorkshire 916, HFT372, a Daimler Fleetline CRG6LX built in 1963 with Metro-Cammell H44/31F bodywork. This had been new as Tynemouth & District 272.
Photo taken March 1975, Collier Street, Hull
28. HFT373
In an exchange involving a batch of six AEC Renowns, East Yorkshire purchased 20 former Tynemouth Daimler Fleetlines of varying vintages in 1972. Ten were the 1963 Metro-Cammell bodied batch formerly Tynemouth 266-275, HFT366-375 which became East Yorkshire 910-919. Needed to speed up OMO conversions, East Yorkshire 917 HFT373 is seen on the parking ground at the rear of Ferensway bus station, Hull with a selection of East Yorkshire and Hull Corporation vehicles visible in the background.
Photo taken Sunday 16 April 1978, Ferensway Bus Park, Hull
29. HFT373
Tynemouth & District 273, HFT373, a Daimler Fleetline CRG6LX built in 1963 with Weymann H44/35F bodywork. Waiting in Newcastle on a damp November day together with United 278EHN. a 1958 Bristol LS/ECW combination.
Photo taken November 1969, Haymarket Bus Station, Newcastle
30. JFT279
Tynemouth & District 279, JFT279, a Daimler Fleetline CRG6LX built in 1964 with Weymann H43/32F bodywork.
Photo taken mid 1960s?, Haymarket Bus Station, Newcastle upon Tyne
31. AFT786C
East Yorkshire MS 903, AFT786C, a Daimler Fleetline CRG6LX built in 1965 with Alexander A H44/31F bodywork.
Photo taken March 1975, parking area adjacent to Ferensway Bus Station, Hull
32. AFT788C
Tynemouth & District 288, AFT788C, a Daimler Fleetline CRG6LX built in 1965 with Alexander A H43/32F bodywork.
Photo taken mid/late 1960s, Haymarket Bus Station, Newcastle upon Tyne
33. GAT821D
In 1972 following receipt of new buses, Northern General's Tynemouth subsidiary sold 20 1963-67 built Daimler Fleetlines to East Yorkshire to help with that operators OMO conversion programme. In return Tynemouth received 6 Park Royal bodied AEC Renown double deckers formerly East Yorkshire 817-822 with matching GAT-D registrations. GAT821D is seen at Worswick Street bus station in Newcastle with Routemaster 2124 FPT594C alongside.
Photo taken March/April 1973, Worswick Street Bus Station, Newcastle
34. DFT290E
East Yorkshire 907, DFT290E, a Daimler Fleetline CRG6LX built in 1967 with Alexander A H44/31F bodywork. This had been new as Tynemouth & District 290.
Photo taken March 1975, Ferensway Bus Park, Hull
35. EFT695F
Tynemouth & District 295, EFT695F, aDaimler Fleetline CRG6LX built in 1968 with Alexander A H44/33F bodywork. Taken before setting out on route 5 to Whitley Bay St Mary's Island. Next to it is a United Bristol LS/ECW SHN771 from 1954.
Photo taken October 1969, Haymarket Bus Station, Newcastle
36. EFT695F
Tynemouth 295, EFT695F, a Daimler Fleetline CRG6LX with Alexander H44/34F body new in 1968.
Photo taken early 1970s, Northumberland Square, North Shields.
37. EFT697F
Tynemouth & District 297, EFT697F, a Daimler Fleetline CRG6LX built in 1968 with Alexander A H44/33F bodywork.
Photo taken October 1969, St Mary's Place, Newcastle upon Tyne
38. EFT704F
Wakefield's Motors 304, EFT704F, a 1968 Leyland Leopard PSU3/4R with Alexander Y type C47F was taken over by the parent Tynemouth & District company on 1 January 1970, staying in the common number series.
Photo taken Saturday 6 June 1970, Jarrow Bus Station
39. EFT704F
Tynemouth & District 304, EFT704F, an Leyland Leopard PSU3/4R built in 1968 with Alexander Y C47F bodywork.
Photo taken August 1973, Market Square / High Street, Stokesley
40. EPT872G
Tynemouth & District 324, EPT872G, a Leyland Panther PSUR1A/1R built in 1969 with Marshall Camair B48D bodywork.
Photo taken June 1972, St Mary's Place, Newcastle upon Tyne
41. GFT805G
Tynemouth & District 305, GFT805G, a Leyland Leopard PSU3A/4R built in 1969 with Alexander Y C47F bodywork.
Photo taken July 1971, College Square, Stokesley
42. GFT805G
Seen at Westwood, Scarborough is Tynemouth & District 305, GFT805G, a Leyland PSU3A/4R Leopard with an Alexander 'Y' C47F body, the first of two new in 1969.
Photo taken Friday 17 August 1973, Westwood, Scarborough
43. HCN44G
Tynemouth 308, HCN44G was one of three Leyland PSUR1A/1R Panthers with Marshall Camair B48D bodies, 307-309 (HCN43-45G), new to Tynemouth.
Photo taken Tuesday 29 July 1969, Northumberland Square, North Shields
44. KFT917J
Tynemouth & District 317, KFT917J, a Bristol RELL6G built in 1971 with ECW B44D+23 bodywork.
Photo taken April 1971, Northumberland Square, North Shields
45. LCN503K
Tynemouth 2803, LCN503K, a Daimler Fleetline SRG6LX with Willowbrook body from 1972 in Whitley Bay.
Photo taken Saturday 11 March 1972, Park Avenue, Whitley Bay