SCT '61 Photo Index
Turner, Brown Edge
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1. 1212RE
OK Motor Services 1212RE, a Leyland Titan PD3/1 built in 1959 with Massey H41/31F bodywork.
Photo taken August 1975, West Auckland Green
2. 1212RE
Weardale MS, Frosterley, 1212RE, a Leyland Titan PD3/1 built in 1959 with Massey H41/31F bodywork.
Photo taken August 1972, Stanhope Depot
3. 961GBF
Turner, Brown Edge, Staffordshire, 6, 961GBF, a Leyland Titan PD3/4 from 1962 with Massey H41/31F bodywork.
Photo taken May 1969, Hanley Bus Station
4. 961GBF
Stonier, Goldenhill 5, 961GBF, a Leyland PD3/4 with a Massey H41/31F body, was seen at the garage at Goldenhill.
Photo taken Sunday 20 June 1971, Goldenhill
5. 961GBF
Stonier's PD3 5, 961GBF, a Leyland PD3/4 with Massey H41/31F body new in September 1962 to Turner, Brown Edge, on the route to Bentilee.
Photo taken Hanley Bus Station
6. KRE266B
Stoniers 11, KRE266B, was purchased from Turners of Brown Edge in 1972. This Leyland Titan PD2/37 with Massey H37/27F bodywork is seen at Stoniers Goldenhill premises in May 1977.
Photo taken May 1977, Stoniers Garage, Goldenhill
7. KRE266B
Turner, Brown Edge 10, KRE266B, was a Leyland PD2/37 with a Massey H37/27F body which had been new in June 1964. It is seen here at the Turner garage in High Lane and was withdrawn in November 1972, passing to Stonier, Goldenhill in the same month.
Photo taken Sunday 20 June 1971, High Lane, Brown Edge
8. BRF733E
Turner, Brown Edge 9, BRF733E, new in January 1967 and seen at Turner's garage at High Lane, Brown Edge, was a Daimler CRG6LX Fleetline with a Northern Counties H44/33F body.
Photo taken Sunday 20 June 1971, High Lane, Brown Edge
9. BRF733E
Leon of Finningley 91, BRF733E, a Daimler Fleetline CRG6LX built in 1967 with Northern Counties H44/33F bodywork.
Photo taken August 1982, Doncaster Southern Bus Station
10. BRF733E
Turner, Brown Edge 9, BRF733E, was a Daimler CRG6LX Fleetline with a Northern Counties H44/33F body, new in January 1967.
Photo taken Sunday 14 April 1968, Brown Edge
11. BRF733E
Turner of Brown Edge 9 BRF733E, a Daimler Fleetline CRG6LX built in 1967 with Northern Counties H44/33F bodywork.
Photo taken May 1968, Hanley Bus Station
12. TRF172G
Turner of Brown Edge 8, TRF172G, a Daimler Fleetline CRG6LX built in 1969 with Northern Counties H44/33F bodywork. Plenty of room upstairs for passengers wishing to go to Brown Edge via Smallthorne and Norton.
Photo taken June 1969, Hanley Bus Station
13. VBF799J
Turner, Brown Edge 6, VBF799J, was a Daimler CRG6LX Fleetline with a Northern Counties H44/33F body.
Photo taken Sunday 20 June 1971, Brown Edge