Photo © Courtesy Stuart Little collection. Please do not re-post without permission.
There cannot be many trams with such a varied existence as Glasgow 488 built in 1903 as an open topper modernised and operated by GCT until its final days then restored for the AMTUIR museum in Paris in 1961, but re-entering service after the Dalmarnock Depot fire.
Its return to the Ffestiniog Rail for another restoration separated the top and bottom decks once more and are now awaiting a "re-connection" as plans for operating this car at the East Anglia Transport Museum takes shape. It is hoped to have the complete tram at Lowestoft by the summer of 2022. This view is when it was being worked on for Paris.
Photo taken by the late David Ramsay, Friday 22 September 1961, Coplawhill Works, Albert Drive, Glasgow
©1961-2025 Courtesy Stuart Little collection All Rights Reserved.
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