3. UH7175A second shot of UH7175 a Leyland TD1, new in 1929, which had a Leyland L24/24R body and was initially on loan as a demonstrator for eighteen months before being purchased by Cardiff in April 1931. After withdrawal in 1945, passed to Southern Vectis, was fitted with a new Eastern Coachworks L27/26R body in 1949 and passed to Autodrome as a staff bus in August 1955 and was withdrawn in May 1962. It is seen here in the East Street coach station operated by L.M.S. Coachways and the bus just visible on the extreme left is TK1854 another of the Autodrome vehicles with the third one, BDL101, in the left background.
Photo taken Saturday 1 November 1958, East Street Coach Station, Manchester