SCT '61 Photo Index
Bristol K
Alan Macfarlane's brief History of Bristol Commercial vehicles

The Bristol K and L website

Click on any thumbnail for a full size photo
1. BWY982
One of a batch of rear end photographs taken by West Yorkshire to illustrate advert sites and/or for the respective advertisers. This is 350, BWY982, a Bristol K5G with ECW L24/24R body, new in November 1937.
Photo taken 1946-8, West Yorkshire Grove Park depot, Harrogate
2. BWY985
Premier Travel 128, BWY985, a Bristol K5G with ECW L27/28R body, acquired in 1960. It had been new to West Yorkshire in 1937 who had it rebodied in 1949. It was withdrawn the following year, 1965.
Photo taken Saturday 20 June 1964, Drummer Street Bus Station. Cambridge
3. BWY991
BWY991 was a Bristol K5G with ECW L27/26R bodywork, new in 1937 as West Yorkshire 359. In 1949 it was rebodied with a new ECW L27/28R body and was renumbered DG 13 in 1954. Withdrawn in 1959, it was converted during 1960 at West Yorkshire Central Works into a tree lopper, numbered 1025, and was also used as a snowplough at Harrogate Bus Station.
Photo taken June-November 1964, rear of Grove Park Depot, Harrogate
4. BWY991
Rear view of West Yorkshire BWY991 showing the tree and branch storage area. Note the snow chains on the rear wheels.
Photo taken c.1960s, Harrogate
5. BWY991
West Yorkshire RC 4025, BWY991, a Bristol K5G built in 1937 with ECW bodywork modified for tree lopping.
Photo taken Sunday 1 August 1976, The Stray, Harrogate
6. FPU512
Eastern National 1257, FPU512, seen at Braintree was a Bristol K5G new in 1937 with an Eastern Coachworks L24/24R body and numbered 3732.
Photo taken Saturday 6 December 1958, Braintree Bus Park
7. FPU514
About to leave Holland Haven, Clacton is this Eastern National Bristol K5G 1258, FPU514, on service 107 to Walton. It was new to the company in 1937 when it was given fleet no. 3734, rebodied with an ECW 8 foot wide body in 1952 and given a PV2 radiator at the same time.
Photo taken Friday 2 September 1955, Holland Haven, Clacton
8. AHJ401
Eastern National SD1263, AHJ401, a Bristol K5G with pre-war ECW body, originally in the Westcliff fleet.
Photo taken Friday 29 August 1958, Victoria Station, Southend
9. BTR303
Hants & Dorset TD620, BTR303, was new in April 1938 and was a Bristol K5G with a Brush L28/26R body.
Photo taken Sunday 15 June 1958, Gosport Ferry Terminus
10. BTR310
Hants & Dorset open-topper 1020, BTR310, a 1938 Bristol K5G with Brush L28/26R body, converted to open top in 1954 and withdrawn in 1957
Photo taken August 1956, Bournemouth Bus Station
11. BTR311
Hants & Dorset 1021, BTR311, was a Bristol K5G new in 1938 as TD636 with a Brush L27/26R body. It was rebodied in June 1949 with an E.C.W. L27/28R body and renumbered to 1021 on 1st January 1950.
Photo taken Sunday 15 June 1958, Gosport
12. BTR312
Hants & Dorset 1022, BTR312, a 1938 Bristol K5G, originally with a Brush body but rebodied by ECW in 1949. It lasted until 1958.
Photo taken April 1954, Gosport Ferry Terminus
13. CWX667
Premier Travel, Cambridge 125, CWX667, acquired in November 1960 from West Yorkshire Road Car Company, where it had been KDG22, was a Bristol K5G with an Eastern Coachworks L27/28R body.
Photo taken Sunday 12 August 1962, Haverhill Depot
14. CWX671
Keighley West Yorkshire was a joint undertaking between Keighley Corporation and West Yorkshire Road Car which ran local and long distance services from the town. The buses were standard Tilling Group vehicles with one or two unusual variations on the theme. One such example of the unusual in the Keighley fleet was this 1938 Bristol K5G which was rebuilt and rebodied by Roe after the second world war. KDG26 (Keighley Double Decker Gardiner), CWX671.
Photo taken Sunday 2 August 2009, Harrogate
15. CWX671
Keighley-West Yorkshire KDG26, CWX671, a 1938 Bristol K5G.
Photo taken Sunday 27 October 2013, Piece Hall, Halifax
16. CWX671
Keighley-West Yorkshire KDG26, CWX671, a 1938 Bristol K5G. The chassis was rebuilt & modernised with a lower PV2 radiator in 1950 & a new Roe L27/28R body replaced the original ECW one.
Photo taken November 1995, Ingrow Station, Keighley & Worth Valley Railway
17. EHY569
C3107, EHY569, is a Bristol K new in 1938 - I haven’t completed the chassis designation since it no longer has an engine! New with a Bristol body I am sure this is a new body - most of the batch seem to have been rebodied and two (not this one) received unusual Welsh Metal Industries bodies.
18. FHT112
Brighton, Hove & District 995, FHT112, a 1938 Bristol K5G/ECW CO30/26R, parked inside Conway Street garage, Hove, one of six similar vehicles acquired from Bristol Tramways in 1955 to replace older A.E.C. Regents for use on sea front services.
Photo taken c.1960, Conway Street Depot, Hove
19. FHT112
FHT112 is a Bristol K5G with an Eastern Coachworks CO30/26R body dating from 1938.
Photo taken Sunday 23 May 2021, private site near Coventry
20. FHT112
Southern Vectis 906, FHT112, a Bristol K5G with an Eastern Coachworks CO30/26R body new in 1938 as Bristol Tramways & Carriage Company 3209 with an H30/26R body layout.
Photo taken Sunday 2 May 1971
21. FHT91
Bristol K5G FHT91 was new in 1938 to Bristol Tramways C3148 with a Bristol H28/28R body and was from a batch of thirty-nine which were used to replace trams on four routes in Bristol on 4th September 1938. It is seen at the garage of Say. Gloucester.
Photo taken Sunday 13 July 1958, Gloucester
22. FKL611
Preserved Maidstone & District 273, FKL611, a Bristol K5G with Weymann L24/24R body seen at Winkleigh.
Photo taken Sunday 30 September 1984, Winkleigh
23. FKL611
The upper saloon of preserved Maidstone & District 273, FKL611, a Bristol K5G with Weymann L24/24R body seen at Winkleigh. This shows that seats were for three and four alternately on the upper deck with the seats for three having the vertical stanchion.
Photo taken Sunday 30 September 1984, Winkleigh
24. FKL611
The lower saloon of preserved Maidstone & District 273, FKL611, a Bristol K5G with Weymann L24/24R body seen at Winkleigh. On the nearside, matching the offside upper deck sunken gangway is a full length luggage rack.
Photo taken Sunday 30 September 1984, Winkleigh
25. GHT127
GHT127, preserved ex Brighton, Hove & District 992 is a 1938 Bristol K5G with ECW O59R bodywork. This vehicle started life with Bristol Tramways, and is seen here at the 2005 Worthing Rally.
Photo taken Sunday 31 July 2005, Marine Parade, Worthing
26. GNO690
Eastern National prewar Bristol K/ECW GNO690 with Dickson's of Stoke Mandeville. It was new to ENOC as their 3746 in 1938, a Bristol K5G with ECW L24/24R body.
Photo taken c.1960
27. GNO693
New in 1938 as Eastern National 3749, GNO693, this Bristol K5G with an Eastern Coachworks L26/24R body was reseated to L24/24R shortly after delivery. In 1952 it became United Counties 628 with the transfer of the Midland area services in May of that year. It returned to Eastern National, as 1016, in November 1955 and is seen here in Braintree.
Photo taken Saturday 6 December 1958, Braintree Bus Park
28. GTW982
United Counties 644, GTW982, a Bristol K5G with ECW L27/28R body seen in Biggleswade was new in 1938 as Eastern National 3711 and was acquired by United Counties in May 1952 when the Midland area of Eastern National was transferred together with 247 vehicles.
Photo taken Friday 12 April 1957, High Street, Biggleswade
29. JA7717
North Western 401, JA7717, seen here in Parker Street, Manchester was the second of sixty-four Bristol K5Gs new in 1938/9 with ECW L23/24R bodies. It was, along with the others rebodied in 1951 by Willowbrook with the L27/26R body seen here.
Photo taken Sunday 19 January 1958, Parker Street, Manchester
30. JA7722
North Western 406, JA7722, seen at Manchester L.M.S. on the X60 service to Blackpool, was one of sixty-four Bristol K5Gs new in 1938/9 with Eastern Coachworks L23/24R bodies. All were rebodied in 1951/2 with Willowbrook L27/26R bodies.
Photo taken Friday 15 April 1960, Lower Mosley Street Bus Station, Manchester
31. JA7722
North Western, Stockport 406, JA7722, seen in Mersey Square, Stockport, was a Bristol K5G with a Willowbrook L27/26R body fitted in 1951 to replace the original Eastern Coachworks L23/24R body fitted when new in 1938, at which time it was numbered 822.
Photo taken Saturday 31 January 1959, Mersey Square, Stockport
32. JA7727
North Western 411, JA7727, is a 1938 Bristol K5G, with a 1951 Willowbrook L27/26R body.
Photo taken Monday 18 May 1959, Hague Bar Road, New Mills
33. JA7787
North Western 415, JA7787, awaiting departure at Glossop (Norfolk Arms Hotel) during the late 1950's. It was a Bristol K5G, new in 1938 with fleet number 887 and an ECW body but in 1951 it was rebodied by Willowbrook and renumbered.
Photo taken late 1950s, Norfolk Arms Hotel, Glossop
34. JA7793
North Western 421, JA7793, is a 1938 Bristol K5G with a 1951 Willowbrook L27/26R body. Also withdrawn by the time the Ian Allan ABC was published in 1964, it carries the version of the livery with the cream roof.
Photo taken Monday 18 May 1959, Hague Bar Road near New Mills, Cheshire
35. JA7795
Two North Western Road Car Company buses from different eras, 423, JA7795, a Bristol K5G with Willowbrook L27/28R body, delivered new in 1938 as Fleet No 895 originally with an ECW body but was rebodied in 1951/2. It was not withdrawn until 1965.
Photo taken c. 1961, Mersey Square, Stockport
36. JT9353
Hants & Dorset open-topper 1025, JT9353, a 1938 Bristol K5G with Brush L28/26R body, converted to open top in 1953
Photo taken August 1956, High Street, Lymington
37. JT9355
Thames Valley 473, JT9355, was a Bristol K5G with an Eastern Coachworks L27/28R body which, in 1949, had replaced its 1938 body. The PV2 radiator was fitted at the time of rebodying when it was Hants & Dorset 1027 and it was acquired by Thames Valley in March 1960.
Photo taken Saturday 31 August 1963, Reading Stations
38. JT9359
Doubts have been expressed on a previous post, as to whether any Hants and Dorset carried "JT" (Dorset) registration marks. There were actually eleven 1938 K5Gs JT9351-61, some of which had their bodies refurbished by H&D themselves but most were rebodied by ECW. Here is one of them H&D 1031, JT9359, looks like it is in Southampton, with an 8' wide ECW KSW type body fitted in 1954.
Photo taken 1962 ?, Southampton
An unidentified Yorkshire Woollen District Bristol K5G with ECW highbridge body.
Photo taken 1969/1970, Dewsbury Market Place
40. AFX752
A line up of three Hants and Dorset Bristols taken on a visit around 1955 to Southampton depot. From left to right are AFX752, BOW170 and ERU594.
Photo taken c.1955, Grosvenor Square Depot, Southampton
41. AJA152
Preserved North Western 432, AJA152, a 1939 Bristol K5G with Willowbrook body.
Photo taken Saturday 28 June 2008, Manchester Museum of Transport
42. AJA152
North Western bought this Bristol K6G in 1939. 432, AJA152, originally carried ECW bodywork but following the second world war it was rebodied in 1951 by Willowbrook to give a further 15 years of service, finally being withdrawn in 1965.
Photo taken Sunday 19 June 2011, Rowsley
43. AJA163
AJA163 was a Bristol K5G originally new in 1939 with an ECW L23/24R (later upseated to L27/24R) body as North Western R.C.C. 963. It was rebodied by Willowbrook as L27/26R in 1951 and was renumbered 443.
Photo taken Tuesday 1 June 1971, Premises of North's (dealer), Sherburn-in-Elmet
44. AJA182
North Western, Stockport 462, AJA182 was a Bristol K5G with a Willowbrook L27/26R body, one of forty new in 1939.
Photo taken Wednesday 2 October 1957, Piccadilly Bus Station, Manchester
45. AJN825
Ex-Westcliff pre-war K5G, AJN825 seen here just after return from repainting in January 2002. Following the near-terminal fire at Walton in December 1996, painstaking individual efforts by a group of First employees finally got her back on the road.
Photo taken January 2002
46. AJN825
Together for the first time for some time were Eastern National JVW430 and Westcliff AJN825.
Photo taken Sunday 13 October 2024, Castle Point Transport Museum, Canvey Island
47. AJN825
From 1937, Westcliff double deckers were standard Tilling Group Bristol Ks with lowbridge ECW bodies, four batches arriving up to 1939. AJN825, one of the third batch, was photographed parked in Victoria Station yard on 8th February 1957. By this time it would have been in green livery and carries its Eastern National fleet number 1269.
Photo taken Friday 8 February 1957, Victoria Station, Southend
48. AJN825
Westcliff AJN825, a 1939 Bristol K with lowbridge ECW body.
Photo taken c.1951/2, Willson Road, Southend
49. BHJ532
Eastern National 1272, BHJ532, a Bristol K5G with ECW L55R body, new in 1939 to Westcliff
Photo taken Leigh Beck Garage, Canvey Island
50. CDL899
Preserved Southern Vectis open topper CDL899, a Bristol K new in 1939 with an ECW H30/26R body and converted to open top during the winter of 1958/9.
Photo taken Sunday 18 July 2004, Watercress Line Rally, Alton
51. CDL899
Preserved Southern Vectis open topper CDL899, a Bristol K new in 1939 with an ECW H30/26R body and converted to open top during the winter of 1958/9.
Photo taken Saturday 30 May 2009, Yarmouth, Isle of Wight
52. CDL899
Preserved Southern Vectis CDL899, a Bristol K5G with ECW O56R body, new in 1939. Originally a highbridge double decker, it was converted to open top in 1959.
Photo taken Sunday 15 October 2006, Newport Quay, Isle of Wight Bus Museum
53. CDL899
Southern Vectis 1939-built Bristol K, CDL899, in original form with ECW H56R bodywork.
Photo taken 1955, St James Square, Newport, Isle of Wight
54. CDL899
Southern Vectis 702, CDL899 , a pre-war Bristol K5G, always seemed to be a permanent fixture of summer days on the Isle of Wight. In spotless condition, it awaits passengers at Shanklin Clock, a reminder of sunshine breezes on top!
Photo taken Wednesday 8 September 1976, Shanklin Esplanade, Isle of Wight
55. CDL899
Southern Vectis 702, CDL899, is seen leaving Epsom Downs at the end of the Derby Day meeting.
Photo taken Wednesday 7 June 1972, Epsom Downs
56. CWX680
One of a batch of rear end photographs taken by West Yorkshire to illustrate advert sites and/or for the respective advertisers. This is 392, CWX680, a Bristol K5G with ECW L24/24R body, new in January 1939.
Photo taken 1946-9, West Yorkshire Grove Park depot, Harrogate
57. CWX681
West Yorkshire DG36, CWX681, was new as 393 in 1939 and was a Bristol K5G with E.C.W. CL24/24R body. It was rebodied with the Roe L27/28R body seen here in 1950.
Photo taken Sunday 13 May 1956, Chester Street Bus Station, Bradford
58. GKE68
GKE68, a Weymann bodied Bristol K5G new to Chatham Traction in June 1939, passed to Maidstone & District in October 1955 as their DH295, withdrawn the following year and entered preservation in 1960. It was acquired by Friends of Chatham Traction in November 2009.
Photo taken Saturday 2 April 2016, Detling
59. GL6612
Bristol 3614, GL6612, seen at Victoria Coach Station was a Bristol K5G which had been new in 1939 as Bath Tramways 3811 with a Bristol H30/26R body. In January 1952 it was rebuilt to permanent open top, painted in reverse livery and transferred to the Bristol country fleet.
Photo taken Wednesday 3 June 1959, London Victoria Coach Station
60. GL6614
This photo is of Bristol 3615, GL6614, but having said that I’m not sure which particular fleet it’s part of, perhaps the coat-of-arms narrows it down. It’s a fine old lady of a Bristol K5G, new as Bath Electric Tramways 3813 in 1939, now working as on open-topper.
Photo taken Birkett Road/Birnbeck Road, Weston-super-Mare
61. JA7723
Worth, Enstone JA7723 was a Bristol K5G dating from 1939 which had been rebodied in 1951 with this Willowbrook L27/26R body when it was with the North Western Road Car Company in Stockport and is seen leaving Gloucester Green Bus Station in Oxford.
Photo taken Saturday 11 March 1961, Gloucester Green Bus Station, Oxford
62. JA7792
This Bristol K5G with a Willowbrook L27/26R body, which was fitted as a replacement in 1951, is seen in the approach road to Chorlton Street Bus Station, Manchester.
Photo taken Sunday 26 January 1958, Chorlton Street Bus Station, Manchester
63. OWT196
Yorkshire Woollen District 155, OWT196, was former York-West Yorkshire YDG83, a 1939 Bristol K5G with an ECW H29/26R body from 1955. It was one of a number of second-hand buses acquired in 1969 to cover a severe shortage of vehicles. Behind is 845, FHD119, one of their Northern Counties bodied Regent Vs.
Photo taken 1969, Rishworth Road, Dewsbury
64. CAP176
Thames Valley 772, CAP176, was one of four Bristol K5Gs with Eastern Coachworks O30/26R bodies acquired in 1957 from Brighton, Hove & District. Three were rebuilt to open top from their original H30/26R by B.H. & D. but 772 was done by Thames Valley. They were acquired for a summer Riverside Express service, originally Reading to Maidenhead but later extended to Windsor.
Photo taken Saturday 28 June 1958, Reading Stations
65. CAP205
Thomas Bros., Port Talbot operated this Bristol K5G, CAP205, with ECW OH30/26R body which had been new to Brighton, Hove & District in 1940 and passed to Thomas in March 1960.
Photo taken Saturday 6 September 1969
66. CAP205
Thomas Bros., Port Talbot CAP205 was a Bristol K5G with an Eastern Coachworks OH30/26R body which had been new in 1940 to Brighton, Hove & District, being acquired by Thomas in 1960.
Photo taken Sunday 11 June 1967, Garage, Acacia Avenue, Port Talbot
67. CAP211
On 1st July one time Brighton, Hove & District 1940 K5G CAP211 (6356) left for a new life with Kirsty & Ashley Blackman (trading as The Revivist) of York, who have acquired it for restoration.
Photo taken Wednesday 1 July 2020
68. CAP229
Preserved ex Brighton Hove and District 352, CAP229, is a 1940 Bristol K5G with an ECW CO30/26R body. It is seen here at the 2014 Worthing Bus Rally.
Photo taken Sunday 27 July 2014, Marine Parade, Worthing
69. CAP229
In use on the service round the site was Brighton & Hove open top Bristol CAP229. I have not seen this one for many years, so it has probably just emerged from restoration.
Photo taken Saturday 28 March 2015, South East Bus Festival at Detling
70. CAP234
Seen during the Isle of Wight Bus Museum's annual running which included a KavaLKade from Newport Quay to Carisbrooke Castle celebrating 75 years of the Bristol K and L types. In this photo, 1940 K5G CAP234, newly restored again by owner Derek Priddle, with former Westcliff K AJN825 from 1939 behind. CAP234 was new to Brighton & Hove in 1940 passing to Southern Vectis in 1960.
Photo taken Sunday 14 October 2012, Carisbrooke Castle, Isle of Wight
71. DDL50
Preserved ex-Southern Vectis 703, DDL50, a Bristol K5G with ECW O56R body, new in 1940
Photo taken Sunday 15 October 2006, Downend (Hare & Hounds), Isle of Wight Bus Museum
72. DOD504
New in 1940 as Western National 315, DOD504 was a Bristol K5G with E.C.W. L30/26R body. It was transferred in 1950 to Bristol Tramways L4129 from whom Say, Gloucester acquired it in 1955 and withdrew it in September 1958.
Photo taken Sunday 13 July 1958, Gloucester
73. FLJ538
Former Hants & Dorset, then Southern Vectis, FLJ538, seen at the pre-opening Members' Day for the newly relocated IW Bus and Coach Museum.
Photo taken Sunday 29 March 2015, Ryde
74. FLJ538
Hants & Dorset 1086, FLJ538, was a Bristol K5G with an Eastern Coachworks L27/26R body new in May 1940 when it was numbered TD761.
Photo taken Sunday 15 June 1958, opposite Gosport Ferry Terminus
75. FLJ538
After the Isle of Wight Bus Museum's annual running day, 1940 K5G DDL50 back in the museum alongside Bristol K5G FLJ538, new to Hants and Dorset in 1940, rebodied in 1954 with an 8 foot wide convertible open top KSW body, passing to Southern Vectis in 1964.
Photo taken Sunday 14 October 2012, Newport, Isle of Wight
76. FLJ538
Mention of the IOW Beer and Buses weekend prompts this photo of preserved Southern Vectis 908 FLJ538 (or YWG109 as it has become, following the loss of the original registration number on export to Holland).
Photo taken Saturday 14 October 2017, Seaview (Boat House), Isle of Wight
77. FLJ538
Just to appreciate the degree of hard work and dedication put into 908 over the years by I.O.W. Bus Museum members, this was the condition of the bus when discovered in the Netherlands in 2009, prior to towing it back to the UK.
Photo taken summer 2009, Echteld, Netherlands
78. GHN636
A fleeting mention was made a while ago about United's service 54/55 between North Shields and Backworth and the fact that it was sometimes, in the evening, worked by a single deck Bristol L5G.
Photo taken c.1958, Northumberland Square, North Shields
79. GHT154
Bristol K 3336, GHT154, which was at one time also an open topper, has had is roof replaced and been restored to blue and white livery.
Photo taken Southsea rally
80. GHT154
Preserved 1940 Bristol Tramways K5G/BBW C3336, GHT154.
Photo taken Sunday 16 October 2011, Newport Quay
81. GHT154
Rear view of preserved 1940 Bristol Tramways K5G/BBW C3336, GHT154.
Photo taken Sunday 16 October 2011, Newport Quay
82. JEV411
Eastern National Bristol K5G 3820, JEV411, new in 1940 with an ECW L27/28R body.
Photo taken Saturday 23 February 1952, Stotfold, Beds
83. JEV412
Dating from 1940, Bristol K5G JEV412 had been new as Eastern National 3821 and had an E.C.W. L27/28R body. It was transferred to United Counties in May 1952 where it became number 673 and was fitted with a new E.C.W. L27/28R body and a PV2 radiator in 1953 being seen as such in Bedford.
Photo taken Saturday 6 February 1960, Bedford
84. JEV415
Dating from 1940, Bristol K5G JEV415 had been new as Eastern National 3824 and had an E.C.W. L27/28R body. It was transferred to United Counties in May 1952 where it became number 676 and was fitted with a new E.C.W. L27/28R body and a PV2 radiator in 1953 being seen as such in Bedford.
Photo taken Saturday 6 February 1960, Foster Hill Road, Bedford
85. JEV425
Eastern National 1018, JEV425, a Bristol K5G with ECW L27/28R body new in May 1940 as fleet number 3834.
Photo taken Sunday 8 July 1956, Chelmsford Depot
86. FTA634
Former Western National 345, FTA634, a Bristol K5G with E.C.W. L30/26R body, new in 1941. It was withdrawn in 1960.
Photo taken early 1974, WETC, Winkleigh, Devon
87. FTA634
This wartime Bristol K5G was first licensed in March 1941. FTA634 joined the Western National
Photo taken Friday 20 September 2019, private site in Devon
88. GHT127
Bristol K, 4583 GHT127, at a Southend rally in the earlier Bristol blue and white livery.
Photo taken Southchurch Park East, Southend
89. GHT127
In summer 1998, Guide Friday was using veteran Bristol K 8583, GHT127, on its sightseeing tour at Bath.
Photo taken Summer 1998, Bath
90. FLJ978
Thames Valley 475, FLJ978, which was seen at Reading, had been purchased in March 1960 from Hants & Dorset 1095, to whom it had been new in April 1942.
Photo taken Saturday 31 August 1963, Reading Stations
91. GHN189
Ex-United GHN189, a Bristol K5G new in 1942, rebodied in 1954 with an ECW 53-seat lowbridge body produced 5 years earlier for a Leyland TD2.
Photo taken Sunday 20 July 2003, Alton
92. GHN189
GHN189 is a United Automobile Bristol K5G from 1942 with ECW L27/26R body
Photo taken Monday 30 August 2010, Sea Lane, Sunderland
93. HHT147
Bristol Tramways 3626, HHT147, had an unfrozen Bristol K5G chassis of the 57th sanction. It was bodied by Bristol Tramways themselves with this utility H56R body in their Body Building Works (BBW) and entered service in 1942.
Photo taken July 1954, North Parade, Bath
94. JVW430
ENOC's famous 1944 Bristol K5G JVW430 (3885/1274/2201) carrying ECW's prototype postwar lowbridge body joined the Eastern National Preservation Group fleet in November 1988, having "escaped" from Stagecoach of Perth who acquired it in August 1988 from a Yorkshire dealer who had in turn acquired it from the liquidated PK Omnibus Co of Hunmanby.
Photo taken Castle Point Transport Museum, Canvey Island
95. JVW430
Preserved Eastern National 1944 Bristol K5G JVW430 (3885/1274/2201) carrying ECW's prototype postwar lowbridge body.
Photo taken Saturday 29 August 2009, Castle Point Transport Museum, Canvey Island
96. JVW430
Rear shot of preserved Eastern National 1944 Bristol K5G JVW430 (3885/1274/2201) carrying ECW's prototype postwar lowbridge body.
Photo taken Saturday 29 August 2009, Castle Point Transport Museum, Canvey Island
97. JVW430
Together for the first time for some time were Eastern National JVW430 and Westcliff AJN825.
Photo taken Sunday 13 October 2024, Castle Point Transport Museum, Canvey Island
98. DDL688
DDL688, a 1944 Bristol K5G/ECW L55R (rebodied in 1953) new to Southern Vectis, but here with J. Johnson, Wyke near Bradford.
Photo taken Sunday 14 July 1968, Deanstones Lane, Queensbury, Bradford
99. FNY933
Pontypridd UDC 40, FNY933, a 1944 Bristol K6A with Park Royal body. Withdrawn from service in 1966.
Photo taken Sunday 21 August 1983, the ninth Bristol Rally, Whitchurch, Bristol
100. GKP563
GKP653 was Maidstone & District DH43 and was a Daimler CWA6 with a Weymann H30/26R body fitted in 1951 seen in Maidstone. When new in 1944 it carried a Duple H30/26R body to utility design.
Photo taken Saturday 11 October 1958, Palace Avenue Bus Station, Maidstone
101. HKE201
Maidstone & District DH418, NKT914, a Leyland PD2/3 with a Leyland H30/26R body new in 1951 and DH100, HKE201, the first of twelve Bristol K6As new in 1944 with Park Royal UH30/26R bodies.
Photo taken Saturday 26 November 1960, M&D Garage, Nelson Road, Gillingham
102. HKE207
Maidstone & District, Maidstone DH106, HKE207, was a Bristol K6A with a Weymann H30/26R body and was seen in Hastings.
Photo taken Saturday 21 July 1962, Queens Road, Hastings
103. HKE219
Maidstone and District DH118, HKE219, and DH123, HKE224, both wartime Bristol K6As which were rebodied by Weymann in the early fifties.
Photo taken Friday 21 August 1964, Palace Avenue Bus Station, Maidstone
104. HKE224
Maidstone and District DH118, HKE219, and DH123, HKE224, both wartime Bristol K6As which were rebodied by Weymann in the early fifties.
Photo taken Friday 21 August 1964, Palace Avenue Bus Station, Maidstone
105. HKE230
Maidstone and District DH129, HKE230, a wartime Bristol K6A rebodied by Weymann H56R in the early 1950s.
Photo taken Saturday 20 July 1963, Overcliffe, Gravesend
106. CPM12
Brighton Hove and District 6370, CPM12, a 1945 Bristol K6A with Park Royal bodywork. This vehicle would receive a second hand 1944 built body in 1953 for a further five years of service.
Photo taken 1950, North Street, Brighton
107. CPM14
BH&D Bristol K5G 372, CPM14, in Old Steine Brighton.
Photo taken Thursday 5 September 1957, Old Steine, Brighton
108. DBL154
Preserved Thames Valley 446, DBL154, a Bristol K6A with ECW L55R body new in 1945.
Photo taken Sunday 20 July 2003, Alton
109. DBL154
Preserved Thames Valley 446, DBL154, a Bristol K6A with ECW L55R body new in 1945.
Photo taken Sunday 15 July 2007, Alton
110. DBL154
Preserved Thames Valley 446, DBL154, a Bristol K6A with ECW L55R body new in 1945.
Photo taken Sunday 18 September 2011, Duxford
111. DBL154
Thames Valley Bristol K6A 446, DBL154, with an ECW L27/28R body.
Photo taken Sunday 20 May 2012, Fawley Hill Railway
112. DBL154
Preserved Thames Valley 446, DBL154, a Bristol K6A with ECW L55R body new in 1945.
Photo taken Monday 2 May 2022, The Broadway, Winchester
113. DDL759
Southern Vectis 705, DDL759, was a Bristol K6A new in 1945 with a Park Royal H30/26R body. It was rebodied with an Eastern Coachworks L27/28R in 1953 and fitted with a Gardner 5LW engine.
Photo taken Sunday 1 September 1963, Ryde, Isle of Wight
114. EWW943
Burrows 50, EWW943, a Bristol K6A new in September 1945 with a Strachan UL27/28R body was rebodied with a Burlingham H33/28RD body in May 1957 and subsequently passed to Yorkshire Traction in October 1966.
Photo taken Saturday 8 June 1957, Leeds Central Bus Station
115. EWW943
Burrows 50, EWW943, a Bristol K6A new in September 1945 with a Strachan UL27/28R body was rebodied with a Burlingham H33/28RD body in May 1957 and subsequently passed to Yorkshire Traction in October 1966.
Photo taken August 1963, Kirkgate, Leeds
116. EWW943
Burrows, Wombwell EWW943 originally had a Strachans L27/26R body when new in August 1945 and the Bristol K6A was rebodied in May 1957 with a Burlingham H33/28RD body.
Photo taken Saturday 5 September 1959, Leeds Bus Station
117. EWW944
Burrows 51, EWW944, a Bristol K6A new in 1945 with a Strachan UL27/28R body seen in Leeds Bus Station preparing to run to Wombwell duplicating the normal service bus.
Photo taken Tuesday 30 July 1957, Leeds Central Bus Station
118. FAH108
Former Eastern Counties Bristol K LKH32, FAH108, in use with Essex Police as a mobile exhibition unit. It was a K5G new in 1945/6 and rebodied with an 8' wide body by ECW in 1953.
Photo taken Sunday 1 June 1975, Southchurch Park East, Southend
119. FAH108
Ex-Eastern Counties Bristol K/ECW FAH108 after conversion to the Essex Road Safety Exhibition bus, seen here heading into Southend, perhaps on the occasion of a Southend bus rally.
Photo taken Bell Hotel, Southend
120. FNG144
Eastern Counties LK246, FNG144, originally numbered LK37, a Bristol K5G new in 1945 and rebodied by ECW L27/28R in 1953.
Photo taken Saturday 20 June 1964, Drummer Street, Cambridge
121. FRU308
Hants & Dorset 1111, FRU308, arrives at Victoria Coach Station. It was a Bristol K6A which, when new in May 1945, had a Strachans L27/28R body and was numbered TD777, being renumbered to 1111 in January 1950.
Photo taken Wednesday 3 June 1959, London Victoria Coach Station
122. FTG1
Pontypridd Bristol double decker 41, FTG1 looks to be a virtually unaltered utility body, with only the front windows modernised. It was a K6A with Park Royal H30/26R body new in 1945.
Photo taken Taff Street, Pontypridd
123. FTT704
Former Western National 353, FTT704, a Bristol K6A new in 1945 with a Strachan L27/28R body, rebodied by ECW L27/28R in 1955
Photo taken Sunday 4 June 2006, Aldershot
124. FTT704
Western National 353 is passed whilst at stop. FTT704 is 1945 Bristol K6A originally with Strachan bodywork. In 1954 the bodywork was replaced with a more conventional ECW L27/28R one.
Photo taken Sunday 12 August 2012, Brislington Park & Ride
125. HGC251
Former London Transport B26, HGC251, as Lincolnshire 2112 at Skegness in August 1953. It was a Bristol K6A with Duple H30/26R body, new in December 1945 and sold to LRCC in early 1953. It lasted with them until around 1961.
Photo taken August 1953, Skegness
126. HKE861
Maidstone & District DH153, HKE861, a 1945 Bristol K6A originally with utility body but re-bodied by Weymann in the early fifties and withdrawn in 1965, seen being steam cleaned on the ramp which used to be alongside the main garage shed at Silverhill Garage in Hastings.
Photo taken Wednesday 1 April 1964, Silverhill Garage, Hastings
127. HKE867
Preserved Maidstone and District DH159, HKE867, AEC engined Bristol K6A with Weymann H56R body, new in 1945, rebodied in 1953.
Photo taken Saturday 16 February 2008, Hawkhurst Bus Station
128. HKE867
Seen at Madeira Drive, Brighton, HKE867, a Bristol K6A, new as Maidstone and District DH159 in 1945 with a Duple H30/26R body, had been rebodied with a Weymann H30/26R body in April 1953.
Photo taken Sunday 6 May 1973, Madeira Drive, Brighton
129. HKE867
Preserved Maidstone & District Bristol K6A DH159, HKE867, dating from 1945, rebodied in 1953 with a Weymann H30/26R body, seen at Tenterden Town station on the Kent & East Sussex Railway during the railway's gala weekend in May 2010.
Photo taken Monday 3 May 2010, Tenterden Town Station
130. HKE867
Maidstone & District DH159, HKE867, a Bristol K6A with a Weymann H30/26R body, is seen in Tenterden.
Photo taken Sunday 18 May 1969, Tenterden
131. KEV331
Colchester Corporation 46, KEV331, was a Bristol K6A with Duple utility H56R body new in August 1945.
Photo taken June 1964, Colchester Bus Station
132. KNO442
Eastern National 1278, KNO442, a Bristol K5G with an Eastern Coachworks L27/28R body new in 1945 as number 3891 which was renumbered in July 1954.
Photo taken Saturday 28 March 1964, Colchester Bus Station
133. BJN113
Eastern National SD1277, BJN113, a Bristol K5G with ECW L55R body, new to Westcliff in 1946, one of the very first post-war deliveries.
Photo taken Friday 29 August 1958, Victoria Station, Southend
134. CKG653
Cardiff Bristol 86, CKG653, a Park Royal H30/26R bodied Bristol K6A new in 1946, at Cardiff Bus Station, looks like a utility body with modernised windows.
Photo taken early 1960s, Cardiff Bus Station
135. CRX548
Seen outside the station in Reading, CRX548 was number 439 in the Thames Valley fleet and was the first of fourteen Bristol K6As with Eastern Coachworks L27/28R bodies new in 1946.
Photo taken Saturday 31 August 1963, Reading Stations
136. CRX550
Thames Valley 441, CRX550, new in 1946 was a Bristol K6A with an Eastern Coachworks L27/28R body.
Photo taken Saturday 21 June 1958, Ascot
137. DBE187
Preserved Lincolnshire Road Car highbridge Bristol K 661, DBE187, new in 1946, renumbered 2115 in 1953.
Photo taken Sunday 4 November 2001, Lincoln Transport Museum
138. DBE187
Lincolnshire Road Car 661 later 2115, DBE187, a 1946 Bristol K6A with ECW H30/26R body, part of the LVVS collection
Photo taken Sunday 1 November 2009, near LVVS Road Transport Museum, Lincoln
139. DBE187
Lincolnshire 661 later 2115, DBE187, a 1946 Bristol K6A with ECW H30/26R body.
Photo taken Sunday 4 November 2012, Lincoln
140. DBL157
Thames Valley 449, DBL157, one of fourteen Bristol K6As with Eastern Coachworks L27/28R bodies new in 1946 is seen at Reading Stations.
Photo taken Saturday 28 June 1958, Reading Stations
141. DMR836
Seen in Colchester Bus Station was Eastern National 1051, DMR836, a Bristol K5G with an Eastern Coachworks L27/28R body new to Wilts & Dorset in 1946 which was acquired in 1963.
Photo taken Saturday 28 March 1964, Colchester Bus Station
142. FFM442
J.C. Stewart, Stevenston (A.1 Service, Ardrossan) FFM442 was a Bristol K6A which, when new in April 1946, had an Eastern Coachworks L27/28R body as Crosville, Chester MB261.
Photo taken Saturday 9 June 1962, Ardrossan Bus Station
143. FNG400
Eastern Counties LK12, FNG400, was the second of two Bristol K6As with Strachans L27/26R bodies new in 1946. In 1946/7 it was renumbered to LK42 and was rebodied with an Eastern Coachworks L27/28R body in February 1953.
Photo taken Sunday 20 September 1964, Peterborough Garage
144. FRU825
Hants & Dorset 1114, FRU825, was a Bristol K5G new in 1946 with an E.C.W. L27/28R body.
Photo taken Saturday 6 September 1958, Bournemouth Bus Station
145. FRU826
Bournemouth Bus Station with examples of lowbridge and highbridge ECW bodies: FRU826, relegated to the training fleet and LRU58, KSW6G in service.
Photo taken 1966?, Bournemouth Bus Station
146. GHN635
Former United Autos GHN635 was a magnificent Bristol K6A dating from 1946. Originally fitted with a Strachan body, it had this 1949 ECW L27/26R body fitted in 1954 and was acquired by Samuel Ledgard in 1959.
Photo taken 1965, Yeadon Depot
147. HGC245
Lincolnshire Road Car Company acquired this Bristol, HGC245, from London Transport B11 in 1953 and numbered it 980 renumbering it later in the year to 2109. It carried a Duple H30/26R body, was new in 1946, and is seen here at Newark.
Photo taken Friday 12 April 1957, Newark Bus Station
148. HKR41
Seen in the entrance to Glasgow Paddocks Bus Station in Doncaster is Barras (Don Motors), Doncaster HKR41, a Bristol K6A with a Weymann H30/26R body. It had been new as Maidstone & District DH189 in October 1946 and was acquired in October 1959 via Fleet Car Sales (dealer), Dunchurch.
Photo taken Friday 2 June 1961, Glasgow Paddocks Bus Station, Doncaster
149. HTT???
An unidentified early post-war Western National Bristol K, one of the first post-war batch of lowbridge K types from the 356, 800-12 batch, HTT970-983, delivered in 1946.
Photo taken c.1955, Buckfast Abbey Car Park
150. JHT114
Bristol 3833, JHT114, Was a W3 sanction Bristol K6A which entered service with a Duple relaxed utility specification H30/26R body in 1946. In September 1955 (as seen here at Parade Gardens, Bath six months later) it was rebodied with the 11/48 ECW H30/26R body which was previously fitted to 3828 (the former ex Chatham & District 1936 GO5G DKN45).
Photo taken March 1956, Parade Gardens, Bath
151. JHT802
Preserved Bristol C3386, JHT802, a Bristol K5G new in 1946. In the mid 1950s the original body was removed due to rot in the wooden frame, the chassis refurbished and fitted with an AEC 7.7 litre 6-cylinder diesel engine and fitted with a 1949 double deck body taken from another bus. In this form she operated Bristol City Services until the mid 1960s.
Photo taken Sunday 12 August 2012, Baldwin Street, Bristol
152. KNO597
New in 1946 as Eastern National 3894, KNO597 was transferred to United Counties in May 1952 with Eastern National's Midland area services. It was a Bristol K5G with E.C.W. L27/28R bodywork and was caught in Bedford.
Photo taken Saturday 6 February 1960, Bedford
153. CHJ251
Eastern National 1287, CHJ251, seen in Colchester Bus Station was a Bristol K5G with an Eastern Coachworks L27/28R body which had been new to Westcliff in 1947.
Photo taken Saturday 28 March 1964, Colchester Bus Station
154. DBL161
Thames Valley 453, DBL161, a Bristol K6B with an Eastern Coachworks L27/28R body seen at Ascot was new in 1947.
Photo taken Saturday 21 June 1958, Ascot
155. DMO671
DMO671, new in 1947, was Thames Valley 467 and was a Bristol K6A with a typical Eastern Coachworks L27/28R body seen here in Newbury.
Photo taken Saturday 25 October 1958, The Wharf, Newbury
156. DMO675
Thames Valley 471, DMO675 was an E.C.W. bodied Bristol K, new in 1947, seen at Ascot.
Photo taken Saturday 19 July 1958, Ascot
157. EAM612
Eastern National SD2207, EAM612, an ex Wilts and Dorset Bristol K6B with ECW L55R body.
Photo taken Saturday 3 October 1964, Prittlewell Hill, Southend
158. EAM612
Eastern National SD2207, EAM612, an ex Wilts and Dorset Bristol K6B with ECW L55R body.
Photo taken Saturday 23 January 1965, Southchurch Road/Sutton Road, Southend
159. EAM612
Eastern National SD1055, EAM612, an ex Wilts and Dorset Bristol K6B with ECW L55R body, seen here looking very shiny shortly after entering service with ENOC. New to Wilts and Dorset in 1947 as number 269, it was bought by Eastern National in 1963, later renumbered to 2207 in August 1964.
Photo taken June 1963, Victoria Circus, Southend
160. EAM612
Wilts & Dorset 269, EAM612, a Bristol K6B with an Eastern Coachworks L27/28R body new in April 1947 was photographed in Newbury heading for Andover.
Photo taken Saturday 25 October 1958, The Wharf, Newbury
161. EDL22
Southern Vectis 718, EDL22 and 719, EDL23, a pair of Bristol K5Gs with ECW L55R bodies new in May 1947. Note the "not licensed" sign that both carry.
Photo taken June 1960, Ryde Garage, Isle of Wight
162. EDL658
Southern Vectis 722, EDL658, a Bristol K5G, had an Eastern Coachworks L27/28R body and was new in 1947.
Photo taken Sunday 1 September 1963, Ryde, Isle of Wight
163. EWY404
1960's fashion icon, poses in front of a 1947 ex West Yorkshire R.C.C. Bristol K5G 715, EWY404 in a builders yard on the outskirts of Newcastle-upon-Tyne.
Photo taken 1962, Newcastle-upon-Tyne
164. FNG822
Canham, Whittlesey FNG822 was a Bristol K6B with an Eastern Coachworks H30/26R body new in 1947 and acquired in October 1964 from Eastern Counties.
Photo taken Sunday 20 September 1964, Scaldgate, Whittlesey
165. GFM891
Clynnog & Trevor Motors GFM891, a Bristol K6A with E.C.W. L27/26R body, new in 1947 as Crosville's MB283. One of a pair - the other was GFM903 - acquired by C&TM from Crosville in 1962.
Photo taken Summer 1965, Penlon, near Trevor
166. GLJ964
Hants & Dorset 1121, GLJ964, was a Bristol K5G which had an Eastern Coachworks L27/28R body when new in August 1947. In January 1958 it was rebodied with the Hants & Dorset FPO31/28R body, new in May 1953, which had previously been on 1025, JT 9353, a 1938 K5G.
Photo taken Wednesday 3 June 1959, London Victoria Coach Station
167. GLJ974
Hants & Dorset 1131, GLJ974, was a Bristol K5G with an E.C.W. L27/28R body new in 1947 as TD797 being renumbered on the 1st January 1950. It is seen at the Gosport Ferry terminus.
Photo taken Sunday 15 June 1958, Gosport Ferry Terminus
168. GLJ975
Hants & Dorset 1132, GLJ975, was a Bristol K5G with an Eastern Coachworks L27/28R body was new in November 1947.
Photo taken Sunday 15 June 1958, Gosport Ferry Terminus
169. GLJ980
Believed to be GLJ980, ex Hants & Dorset 1137, taken in August 1978 by the late Colin White.
Photo taken August 1978
170. GTG866
Aberdare Bristol K6A/ECW 77, GTG866, new in 1947 with another from the same batch, 75, behind.
Photo taken Cardiff Street, Aberdare
171. HB6264
Merthyr Tydfil 8, HB6264, was one of three Bristol K6Gs new in 1947 with Massey H30/26R bodies. All three were rebuilt by Green, Merthyr in June 1952 and again by Longwell Green in July 1956.
Photo taken Thursday 8 June 1967, Merthyr Tydfil Garage
172. KHU601
Thames Valley 437, KHU601, a Bristol K6B with ECW L55R body, new to Bristol O.C. in 1947 as their L4104 and one of eight purchased by Thames Valley in 1959 to cover a shortage of double deckers (plus more the following year, 8 from United Counties and 4 from Hants & Dorset).
Photo taken Saturday 21 July 1962, Ascot
173. KHU604
KHU604 seen outside Reading Station was a Bristol K6B with an Eastern Coachworks L27/26R body and was Thames Valley 455.
Photo taken Saturday 31 August 1963, Reading Stations
174. KHU605
Bath Services Bristol K6A/ECW L27/28R L3904, KHU605, was photographed by Jim Whiteway in January 1956 at Parade Gardens, Bath.
Photo taken January 1956, Parade Gardens, Bath
175. KHU617
Bath Services Bristol K6A/ECW H30/26R 3836, KHU617, is seen here at Oldfield Park in December 1955.
Photo taken December 1955, Oldfield Park, Bath
176. KHU621
Bristol Tramways L4100, KHU621, was a Bristol K6A with E.C.W. L27/28R body new in 1947. It was withdrawn in 1959 and later ran for Costain, the Stockton contractor until December 1960.
Photo taken Sunday 13 July 1958, Royal Well Bus Station, Cheltenham
177. KHU623
Wakes of Sparkford KHU623, former Bristol K5G L4102, new in 1947, fitted with an AEC engine in 1951. Bought by Wakes in 1960 with whom it lasted until late 1965/early 1966.
Photo taken Central Road, Yeovil
178. KHU623
Wake, Sparkford KHU623, seen on the low ramp at their garage, was a Bristol K5G with an Eastern Coachworks L27/28R body which had been new in September 1947 as Bristol Tramways L4102.
Photo taken Sunday 28 April 1963, Wake's Sparkford Garage
179. KHU624
Something different - does anyone need a gift-wrap service for their pride and joy? Here is former Bristol Tramways 1947 K (originally 5G re-engined as 6B in 1953)/ECW L55R L4103, KHU624.
180. MPU24
Eastern National SD2228, MPU24, a Bristol K6B with ECW L27/28R body.
Photo taken Saturday 3 April 1965, Southchurch Road/Sutton Road, Southend
181. MPU24
Eastern National SD2228, MPU24, a Bristol K6B with ECW L27/28R body, with an improvised route indicator.
Photo taken Saturday 19 September 1964, Prittlewell Hill, Southend
182. MPU24
Eastern National SD1300, MPU24, a Bristol K6B with ECW L27/28R body, new in 1947.
Photo taken early 1960s, Victoria Circus, Southend
183. DMO675
Thames Valley 471, DMO675, a Bristol K6B with an Eastern Coachworks L27/28R body seen at Reading was the last of four such buses new in 1948.
Photo taken Saturday 31 August 1963, Reading Stations
184. DUH307
Cardiff Bristol KW6G 120, DUH307, with a Bruce H33/26R body, new in 1948.
Photo taken Mill Lane, Cardiff
185. EET582
A 1954 East Lancs H30/26R bodywork graces this rebodied Bristol L6B of Rotherham Corporation. 182, EET 582, awaits departure from Doncaster, Glasgow Paddocks Bus Station.
Photo taken Tuesday 8 April 1958, Glasgow Paddocks Bus Station, Doncaster
186. FWX822
Seen in Vicar Lane Bus Station in Leeds is West Yorkshire, Harrogate DB1, FWX822, which was a Bristol K6B with an Eastern Coachworks L27/28R body new in March 1948 when it carried fleet number 729.
Photo taken Sunday 6 July 1958, Vicar Lane Bus Station, Leeds
187. GFM903
Clynnog & Trefor GFM903, a Bristol K6A built in 1948 with ECW L27/28R bodywork. This had been new as Crosville MB295 and was very smartly turned out when photographed by John Boylett.
Photo taken mid 1960s?, Penrhydlyniog, Pwllheli
188. GLJ986
Hants & Dorset 1143, GLJ986, was a Bristol K5G new in 1948 with an E.C.W. L27/28R body. It was rebodied in June 1957 with a 1953 Hants & Dorset FPO31/28R body removed from 1011 (BTR301).
Photo taken Saturday 6 September 1958, Bournemouth Bus Station
189. GLJ986
Hants & Dorset 1143, GLJ986.
Photo taken September 1964, The Square, Bournemouth
190. GVF74
Canham, Whittlesey GVF74, a Bristol K6B with an Eastern Coachworks H30/26R body new in 1948 was acquired in September 1964 from Eastern Counties.
Photo taken Sunday 20 September 1964, Whittlesey
191. HB6587
Merthyr Tydfil 5, HB6643, a Bristol K6G with Davies H30/26R body, and 26, HB6587, a K6G with Duple H30/26R body.
Photo taken 1967, Merthyr Tydfil Garage
192. HB6596
Merthyr Tydfil 54, HB6596, seen at the garage, was the second of nine Bristol K6Gs with D.J. Davies H30/26R bodies new in 1948. Withdrawn in 1968 it was not traced further.
Photo taken Thursday 8 June 1967, Merthyr Tydfil Garage
193. HB6639
Seen at the garage is Merthyr Tydfil 57, HB6639, one of nine Bristol K6Gs with D.J. Davies H30/26R bodies new in 1948. Withdrawn in 1968 it was not traced further.
Photo taken Thursday 8 June 1967, Merthyr Tydfil Garage
194. HB6641
Merthyr 59, Bristol double decker HB6641, a Bristol K6G with Davies H30/26R body new in 1948 but with the look of a utility body with improvements to the windows.
Photo taken Nantygwenith Road
195. HB6643
Merthyr Tydfil 5, HB6643, a Bristol K6G with Davies H30/26R body, and 26, HB6587, a K6G with Duple H30/26R body.
Photo taken 1967, Merthyr Tydfil Garage
196. HB6643
Seen at the garage is Merthyr Tydfil 5, HB6643, which was the last of nine Bristol K6Gs with D.J. Davies H30/26R bodies new in 1948. Withdrawn in 1968 it was not traced further.
Photo taken Thursday 8 June 1967, Merthyr Tydfil Garage
197. HSM643
Western S.M.T. 877, HSM643, was a Bristol K6B with an E.C.W. L27/28R body which had been new to Caledonian in 1948 and which is seen in Dumfries. It was one of only two Bristol engined double-deckers in the Western fleet.
Photo taken Tuesday 5 June 1962, Whitesands, Dumfries
198. HTX609
Pontypridd 54, HTX609, one of two Bristol K5Gs with Beadle H30/26R bodies dating from 1948.
Photo taken Thursday 8 June 1967, Cilfynydd Terminus, Pontypridd
199. KHN381
United Auto BBL24, KHN381, was a Bristol K6B with an Eastern Coachworks L27/28R body new in 1948 as BDO81 being renumbered in May 1951 and was seen in the Market Place in Bishop Auckland.
Photo taken Saturday 1 August 1959, Bishop Auckland Market Place
200. KHY385
New in 1948, KHY385 was Bristol Tramways & Carriage Company 3699, a Bristol K5G with E.C.W. H30/26R body seen at Cheltenham District's garage.
Photo taken Sunday 13 July 1958, Cheltenham Garage
201. KKK863
Premier Travel, Cambridge 134, KKK863, was acquired from Maidstone & District DH257 in October 1961 and was a Bristol K6A with a Weymann H30/26R body which had been new in 1948.
Photo taken Sunday 12 August 1962, Chrishall Depot
202. LHU520
Samuel Ledgard LHU520, was ex-Bristol Omnibus C3411, a Bristol K5G with ECW H30/26R body of 1948. It was the only Bristol in the Ledgard fleet with a Gardner 5LW engine so was not popular with drivers on their many hilly routes.
Photo taken Sunday 14 June 1964, Samuel Ledgard Armley Depot, Leeds
203. LHU986
Unusual front ventilators on this 1948 Bath Services Bristol K6B/ECW H31/28R 3842 LHU986. Was it a one-off? It eventually finished up with Margo, Croydon in February 1966.
Photo taken January 1956, Englishcombe Lane, Bath
204. MPU18
United Counties 734, MPU18, a Bristol K5G new in 1948 and withdrawn a couple of months after this photograph was taken.
Photo taken 1965, Wendover Drive, Bedford
205. MPU21
Eastern National 1296, MPU21, a Bristol K6B with an Eastern Coachworks L27/28R body new in 1948 as number 3960 which was renumbered in July 1954.
Photo taken Saturday 28 March 1964, Colchester Bus Station
206. MPU24
Eastern National 1300, MPU24, a Bristol K6B with ECW L27/28R body, new in 1948.
Photo taken Saturday 18 May 1963, Central Station Approach, Southend
207. NNO101
Bristol K5G NNO101 was delivered straight to London Transport in October 1948, one of a large number of Tilling group K types diverted to alleviate post War vehicle shortages in the capital. It worked from Camberwell (Q) garage until November 1949, when it was released to Eastern National.
Photo taken Kingsbury Square, Aylesbury
208. NNO94
Eastern National 2231, NNO94, was a Bristol K5G with an Eastern Coachworks L27/28R body, new in November 1948.
Photo taken February/March 1966, Hadleigh Depot
209. NNO94
Eastern National Bristol K5G 3994, NNO94, new in 1948.
Photo taken Sunday 25 May 1952, Maldon Bus Station
210. CJN323
Eastern National 1308, CJN323, a Bristol K6B with ECW L27/28R body, new in 1949 to Westcliff-on-Sea. Renumbered in 1964 as 2236.
Photo taken Victoria Station, Southend
211. CJN327
Eastern National 1312, CJN327, a Bristol K6B with ECW L27/28R body, new to Westcliff-on-Sea in 1949.
Photo taken Saturday 18 May 1963, Central Station Approach, Southend
212. CJN328
Eastern National 1313, CJN328, a Bristol K6B with ECW L27/28R body, new to Westcliff-on-Sea in 1949.
Photo taken Saturday 18 May 1963, Central Station Approach, Southend
213. DHJ610
Eastern National 1325, DHJ610, a Bristol K6B with ECW L27/28R body, new in 1949 to Westcliff-on-Sea.
Photo taken Victoria Circus, Southend
214. DHJ611
Eastern National 1330, DHJ611, a Bristol K6B with ECW L55R body, new to Westcliff-on-Sea in 1949.
Photo taken Saturday 18 May 1963, Bradley Street, Southend
215. DHJ612
DHJ612, 1326/2254, a Bristol K6B with ECW L55R body, originally in the Westcliff-on-Sea fleet was bought from ENOC in 1966 by Carl Rogers' father who with some friends, all employees at ENOC Hadleigh Depot, converted the bus and toured Europe, "Cliff Richards Summer Holiday Style", the following year with a lot of publicity from local and national papers.
Photo taken May 1967, Spain
216. DUH304
Cardiff 117, DUH304, was a Bristol KW6G with Bruce H33/26R body new in 1949.
Photo taken Sunday 12 August 1962, Cardiff
217. EET579
Rotherham 179, EET579, was a Bristol L6B which had been rebodied with an East Lancs H30/26R body in May 1951.
Photo taken Sunday 14 August 1966, Rotherham Garage
218. ERP605
United Counties 785, ERP605, was a Bristol K5G with an ECW L27/28R body dating from 1949 while to the right, is 406, CNH850, a Bristol LWL6B with an ECW B39R body dating from 1951.
Photo taken circa 1964, Kettering Bus Station
219. FDL297
Southern Vectis 729, FDL297, a Bristol K5G with ECW L27/28R body, new in January 1949.
Photo taken June 1960, Fort Street Terminal, Sandown, Isle of Wight
220. FED750
Warrington 55, FED750, was a Bristol K6G with a Bruce H30/26R body new in July 1949.
Photo taken Thursday 24 March 1960, Bridgefoot
221. FET354
Rotherham Corporation 200, FET354, a Bristol K6B with East Lancs./Yorkshire Equipment Co. H30/26R body, new in 1949 and withdrawn in 1968.
Photo taken late Summer 1968, Rotherham Corporation depot
222. FET803
Rotherham Corporation 103, FET803, a Bristol KS6B with East Lancs body, built in 1949.
Photo taken 1968, near Sunnyside
223. HLJ44
Preserved ex-Hants & Dorset TD895, later 1187, HLJ44, a Bristol K5G with ECW lowbridge body new in 1949, now owned by Ensignbus.
Photo taken Saturday 2 September 2006, Ensigns, Purfleet
224. HPW103
Eastern Counties Bristol K6B/ECW H30/26R LKH103, HPW103, was new in 1949, and renumbered LKH416 in 1965. LKH103 was unusual in being one of twelve Bristol K-types fitted with ECW 4-bay bodies, rather than the 5-bay design usually associated with the type.
Photo taken mid-1980s, West Yorkshire Grove Park Depot, Harrogate
225. HPW124
Eastern Counties LKH437, HPW124, a Bristol K5G with an Eastern Coachworks H30/26R body, new in May 1949.
Photo taken Saturday 16 October 1965, Norwich Bus Station
226. HPW127
Eastern Counties LKH127, reg no HPW127, a Bristol K5G with ECW H56R body, new in 1949.
Photo taken Tuesday 18 August 1964, Norwich Bus Station
227. HPW133
Preserved ex-Eastern Counties LKH133, HPW133, a Bristol K5G with ECW H30/26R body new in May 1949.
Photo taken Sunday 16 September 2007, Duxford
228. HPW133
When new in 1949, this ECW bodied Bristol K5G was loaned to London Transport to cover the delay in new vehicle deliveries. It went to its rightful owner Eastern Counties in 1950 where it became LKH133, HPW133, in their fleet.
Photo taken Sunday 19 September 2010, Meadowhall, Sheffield
229. HPW133
Preserved ex-Eastern Counties LKH133, HPW133, a Bristol K5G with ECW H30/26R body new in May 1949.
Photo taken Sunday 4 November 2012, Lincoln
230. HPW137
Eastern Counties LKH137, HPW137, seen here at Bishop's Road Bus Station, Peterborough, was a Bristol K5G which had an Eastern Coachworks H30/26R body new in 1949.
Photo taken Saturday 24 January 1959, Bishop's Road Bus Station, Peterborough
231. HRU868
Hants & Dorset 1212, HRU868, was the last of twenty-five Bristol K6As new in 1949 with E.C.W. L27/28R bodies.
Photo taken Saturday 6 September 1958, Bournemouth Bus Station
232. HTX611
Pontypridd 56, HTX611, one of four Bristol K5Gs with Beadle H30/26R bodies dating from 1949. This one was only partially rebuilt with rubber mounted windows by 9/59.
Photo taken Thursday 8 June 1967, Cilfynydd Terminus, Pontypridd
233. HWW871
West Yorkshire DB44, HWW871, was an ECW-bodied Bristol K6B from 1949.
Photo taken 1965, Cemetery Road, Yeadon
234. JEL247
Hants & Dorset 1228, JEL247, was a Bristol K6A with an Eastern Coachworks L27/28R body new in September 1949 and was seen in Bournemouth.
Photo taken Sunday 14 September 1958, Bournemouth
235. JFM98
Crosville DKA345, JFM98, a Bristol K6A with ECW L55R body new in 1949.
Photo taken Saturday 5 June 1965, LLandudno, adjacent to the depot on Mostyn Broadway
236. KKK874
Holder, Charlton-on-Otmoor KKK874, a Bristol K6A with a Weymann H30/26R body, had been acquired from Maidstone & District DH268 in September 1962.
Photo taken Sunday 7 April 1963, High Street, Charlton-on-Otmoor
237. KKK891
Maidstone and District DH285, KKK891, a Bristol K6A with Weymann H56R body, new in 1949
Photo taken Saturday 18 March 1961, near Maidstone
238. KKK893
Seen in Maidstone was Maidstone & District DH287, KKK893, a Bristol K6A with a Weymann H30/26R body new in 1949.
Photo taken Saturday 11 October 1958, Palace Avenue Bus Station, Maidstone
239. KNG371
Eastern Counties LK371, KNG371 was a Bristol K5G with an Eastern Coachworks body new in 1949.
Photo taken Sunday 11 October 1964, Bus Station, Gordon Road, Lowestoft
240. KNG374
The star of the day was launch by Ipswich Transport Museum of their newly restored (Lottery fund aided) K6B LK374, KNG374.
Photo taken Monday 24 March 2008, Ipswich Transport Museum
241. KUO966
Western National 953, KUO966, is a Bristol K6B with ECW L55R body of 1949.
Photo taken 1968, Penzance Bus Station
242. KUO982
Western National 969, KUO982, a Bristol K6B with ECW L55R body of 1949.
Photo taken 1968, Dartmouth Depot
243. KUO992
Yuill, Hartlepool based contractor, KUO992, a Bristol K6B of 1949 with Eastern Coach Works L27/28R bodywork.
Photo taken January 1972, Cypress Road Building Site, Marton, Middlesbrough
244. LKT977
Maidstone and District DL16, LKT977, was a Bristol K6A from 1949 which had a Weymann 53-seat lowbridge body.
Photo taken 1962, Palace Avenue Bus Station, Maidstone
245. ONO59
Seen in Kirby Cross is this 1949 Eastern National Bristol K5G ONO59 before it became famous.
Photo taken Monday 27 July 1959, Halstead Road, Kirby Cross nr Frinton-on-Sea
246. ONO59
ONO59 started life with Eastern National in 1949, a Bristol K5G with ECW L27/28R body, numbered 4038/1327/2255. It was withdrawn in 1966 and passed to a group of students who converted it into a mobile caravan.
Photo taken 1966/7, outside Elm Hotel, Leigh-on-Sea
247. ONO59
Another view of ex ENOC Bristol K ONO59 and alongside ex-Colchester Corporation Daimler CVD6 OHK432 with Roberts H56R body, both new in 1949 and both preserved at the LVVS, seen at their open day in November 2002.
Photo taken Sunday 3 November 2002, LVVS Road Transport Museum, Lincoln
248. ONO59
Restoration of former ENOC ONO59 is well under way and it should be on the road again in 2018 in Eastern National livery. New in 1949, it is a Bristol K5G with ECW L27/28R body,
Photo taken Sunday 5 November 2017, LVVS Lincoln
249. ONO59
Another shot of former Eastern National Bristol K ONO59 in its later working life as the LVVS Tender Vehicle, parked on Madiera Drive, Brighton, probably on the occasion of a Brighton Commercial Vehicle run. It carries the earlier light blue with red relief livery.
Photo taken early 1970s (?), Madiera Drive, Brighton
250. ONO59
Another shot of former Eastern National Bristol K ONO59 in its later working life as the LVVS Tender Vehicle, entering Brighton, probably on the occasion of a Brighton Commercial Vehicle run. It carries the later dark blue and white livery.
Photo taken 1980s, London Road, Brighton
251. ONO59
This photo shows the progress being made on 1949 Eastern National Bristol K ONO59 at the LVVS museum.
Photo taken Saturday 31 March 2018, Lincolnshire Road Transport Museum
252. ONO59
Eastern National Bristol K5G ONO59 seen here in November 2018 on its first public carrying duties since 1966 after several years being restored at the LVVS.
Photo taken Sunday 4 November 2018, Skellingthorpe, Lincolnshire
253. ONO59
Fully preserved ex-Eastern National Bristol ONO59, back at the pub where it started its world tour in the late 1960s.
Photo taken Wednesday 28 August 2019, The Elms, London Road, Leigh-on-Sea
254. ONO62
United Counties 792, ONO62, was a Bristol K5G with an Eastern Coachworks L27/28R body, new in 1949.
Photo taken Saturday 6 February 1960, Bedford
255. CWX671
Keighley-West Yorkshire KDG26, CWX671, a 1938 Bristol K5G. The chassis was rebuilt and modernised with a lower PV2 radiator in 1950 and with a new Roe L27/28R body that replaced the original ECW one.
Photo taken May 1998, Oldfield
256. DHJ610
Eastern National SD 1325, DHJ610, a Bristol K6B with ECW L55R body, originally part of the Westcliff-on-Sea fleet. Later renumbered 2253.
Photo taken Monday 6 April 1964, Prittlewell Hill, Southend
257. DJN554
Eastern National BN2300, DJN554, a Bristol KS5G with ECW L27/28R body, originally delivered in 1950 to Westcliff-on-Sea
Photo taken October 1965, Basildon Bus Station
258. DJN557
Eastern National 2302, DJN557, was a Bristol KS5G with an Eastern Coachworks L27/28R body new in September 1950 to Westcliff on Sea, later becoming Eastern National 1345 before being renumbered in 1964.
Photo taken February/March 1966, Hadleigh Depot
259. DJN558
Eastern National 1346, DJN558, a Bristol KS6B with ECW L27/28R body new in to Westcliff in 1950.
Photo taken Saturday 7 September 1963, Victoria Circus, Southend
260. DJN559
Eastern National SD1347, DJN559, a Bristol KS6B with ECW L27/28R body, originally delivered in 1950 to Westcliff-on-Sea. Later renumbered 2304.
Photo taken Saturday 9 May 1964, Prittlewell Hill, Southend
261. DJN559
Eastern National SD2304, DJN559, a Bristol KS6B with ECW L27/28R body, originally delivered in 1950 to Westcliff-on-Sea. Originally numbered 1347.
Photo taken Friday 26 March 1965, Bradley Street, Southend
262. EPM13
Former Brighton & Hove 416, EPM13, was a Bristol K5G with ECW H30/26R body of 1950.
Photo taken 1967, Dunscroft Depot
263. EPM14
Brighton, Hove & District 417, EPM14, was a Bristol K5G with an Eastern Coachworks H30/26R body, seen in Queen's Road with part of Brighton Station visible in the left background.
Photo taken Sunday 11 September 1960, Queens Road, Brighton
264. FET808
Photographed at the garage is Rotherham 108, FET808, a Bristol KS6B, with an East Lancs (Bridlington) H30/26R body, which was one of six new in 1950.
Photo taken Sunday 14 August 1966, Rotherham Garage
265. FET814
Rotherham 114, FET814, a Bristol L6B new in 1950 as a single decker but rebodied in 1952 with an East Lancs H30/26R body.
Photo taken Friday 6 August 1965, Effingham Street, Rotherham
266. FMO976
Thames Valley 594, FMO976 seen at Reading Station was a Bristol KS6B with an Eastern Coachworks L27/28R body new in 1950.
Photo taken Saturday 28 June 1958, Reading Stations
267. FRP692
Preserved United Counties 838, FRP692, a Bristol KS5G with ECW L55R body, new in 1950
Photo taken Sunday 2 April 2006, Wisley Aerodrome
268. GMW195
Wilts & Dorset 317, GMW195, one of five Bristol KS6Bs with Eastern Coachworks L27/28R bodies new in 1950 is seen at The Wharf, Newbury.
Photo taken Saturday 28 June 1958, The Wharf, Newbury
269. HWW874
West Yorkshire DB47, HWW874 was new as West Yorkshire 785 in 1950 being renumbered in April 1954. It was a Bristol K6B with ECW L27/28R body and was withdrawn in September 1964, passing to Culing, Claxton (1/65), Riverway, Harlow (10/72) and to Marsden, Bradford in May 1973 for preservation.
Photo taken Sunday 31 August 1958, Yeadon Garage
270. HWW883
Yorkshire Woollen District 151, HWW883, was former Keighley-West Yorkshire (KDB56), a Bristol K6B with an ECW L55R body dating from 1950. This poor shot was taken in poor lighting and in haste having chased it from Dewsbury when it was on loan to YWD during their notorious bus shortage of 1969.
Photo taken 1969, Slaithwaite Road, Thornhill
271. JEL265
Ex-Hants & Dorset Bristol K6B JEL265 with an independent operator who worked a local service to somewhere north of Merthyr, seen here parked in a rather snowy Merthyr. It had been new to Hants & Dorset as their 1246 in 1950 and lasted with them until 1968.
Photo taken Merthyr
272. JTX520
Pontypridd 39, JTX520, seen at the garage, was a Bristol K6G with a Beadle H30/26R body new in 1950.
Photo taken Thursday 8 June 1967, Pontypridd Garage
273. JTX524
Pontypridd 63, JTX524, seen at the garage, was a Bristol K6G with a Beadle L26/26R body, one of two new in 1950. It was rebuilt with rubber mounted windows by June 1964, by the council.
Photo taken Thursday 8 June 1967, Pontypridd Garage
274. KEL713
Hants & Dorset 1270, KEL713, a Bristol KS6B with an Eastern Coachworks L27/28R body was new in September 1950.
Photo taken Sunday 15 June 1958, Castle Row, near Gosport Ferry Terminus
275. KFM273
Crosville Motor Services DKB397, KFM273, is a 1950 Bristol K6B with ECW L55R bodywork, part of the first batch of Bristol engined post war deliveries. Seen at Oswestry station at the southern end of service D2 from Wrexham via Ruabon and Chirk.
Photo taken Sunday 28 February 1960, Oswestry Station, Oswald Road
276. KNG163
Eastern Counties LKH163, KNG163, was a Bristol K5G which had an Eastern Coachworks H30/26R body and was new in 1950. It is seen here at Bishop's Road Bus Station, Peterborough.
Photo taken Saturday 24 January 1959, Bishop's Road Bus Station, Peterborough
277. KNG252
Eastern Counties LKH252, KNG252, new in 1950 was a Bristol K5G with an Eastern Coachworks H30/26R body.
Photo taken Saturday 24 January 1959, Bishop's Road Bus Station, Peterborough
278. KNG384
Eastern Counties LK384, KNG384, was a Bristol K5G with an Eastern Coachworks L27/28R body new in 1950.
Photo taken Saturday 24 January 1959, Bishop's Road Bus Station, Peterborough
279. KNG391
Eastern Counties LK391, KNG391, a Bristol K5G with ECW L27/28R body, new in March 1950.
Photo taken Saturday 17 April 1965, Lewis Gardens, entering Colchester Bus Station
280. KUO962
Western National 949, KUO962, was a Bristol K6B with ECW L27/28R body new in 1950.
Photo taken Sunday 30 August 1970, Crich Tramway Museum
281. KUO963
The previous picture of KUO963, a Bristol K6B with ECW L27/28R body, showed it arriving at Roger Burdett's site, and now we can show it leaving having been fully restored by Roger's team for their customer, including a lot of wood and metal work you cannot see but which the team have shown me over the 4 years of restoration.
Photo taken Sunday 14 July 2024, private site near Coventry
282. KUO972
Making its debut following restoration at the Brough & Kirkby Stephen Rally was Western National 959, KUO972, a 1950 Bristol K6B with an ECW L27/28R body seen here parked at Brough.
Photo taken Saturday 19 April 2014, Brough
283. KUO974
Southern National 961, KUO974, a Bristol K6B with an Eastern Coachworks L27/28R body new in 1950.
Photo taken Saturday 15 June 1968, Yeovil Bus Station
284. KUP972
The post war ECW was a classic of bus design indeed traces of the upper deck front could still be seen in the VR in the 1970's. Western National 959, KUO972, a 1950 Bristol K6B with ECW L27/28R body shows off its handsome lines at Brough.
Photo taken Sunday 20 April 2014, Brough
285. LDE950
Silcox, Pembroke Dock 23, LDE950, a Bristol K6G, is seen here at the garage with the 1948 Willowbrook L31/28R body from 47, RC4633, which had been fitted by June 1961 in place of the Davies H33/26R body it carried when it entered service in February 1950.
Photo taken Tuesday 3 August 1971, Silcox Garage, Pembroke Dock
286. LHY937
Bristol Omnibus 3774, LHY937, a 1950 Bristol K6B with ECW highbridge bodywork. In 1954 the bus was transferred to Gloucester City services as G1541.
Photo taken Sunday 3 August 2008, Harrogate
287. LNG278
Eastern Counties LK278, LNG278, ECW bodied lowbridge Bristol K5G, new in 1950
Photo taken Thursday 10 June 1965, Alexandra Road, Great Yarmouth
288. LNG290
Eastern Counties LK290, LNG290, a Bristol KS5G with ECW L27/28R body, new in 1950
Photo taken Sunday 28 June 1964, Lowestoft Station
289. LTA813
Specially positioned to recreate his youth, Western National 994, LTA813, a Bristol KS5G with ECW L27/28R bodywork dating from 1950 is on the 274 Roman Road service stop.
Photo taken Sunday 26 July 2009, The Parade, Taunton
290. LTA813
Western National 994, LTA813, a Bristol KS5G with ECW L27/28R bodywork dating from 1950.
Photo taken c.August 2000, Kidderminster Railway Station
291. LTA813
Western National 994, LTA813, a Bristol KS5G with ECW L27/28R bodywork dating from 1950.
Photo taken August 2000, Kidderminster Railway Station
292. LTA816
Western National 997, LTA816, was a Bristol KS5G with ECW L55R body of 1950.
Photo taken 1968, Helston Depot
293. LTA816
Western National 997, LTA816, sat in the sun, probably looking at Burgh Island. An ECW bodied L27/28R 1950 Bristol KS5G.
Photo taken 30 August 1965, Bigbury-on-Sea
294. LTA944
Southern National 1834, LTA944 Bristol KS5G with an Eastern Coachworks L27/28R body new in 1950.
Photo taken Saturday 15 June 1968, Middle Street, Yeovil
295. LTA946
I'm extremely grateful for Colin Billington to allow me to take this picture and share it and providing the information. 1836, LTA946, is the only KS6B that SNOC had which was bought for the Weymouth to Exeter and Weymouth to Bournemouth trunk routes. I am told that its last journey with SN was as a replacement for a broken down FLF on the Bournemouth route.
Photo taken Friday 19 June 2015, Private site near Fifield
296. LTA949
Southern National 1839, LTA949, a Bristol KS5G with ECW L27/28R body, new in 1950.
Photo taken July 1969, St. James Place, Ilfracombe
297. NAE17
Shaw Brothers of Byers Green, NAE17, was one the ex-Bristol Omnibus, Bristol KS6Bs with highbridge ECW bodies of 1950, bought by various NE independents in the 1960s.
Photo taken 1968, Spennymoor Bus Station
298. NAE17
Shaw Bros., Byers Green NAE17, a Bristol KS6B with E.C.W. H32/28R body, new to Bristol Tramways (C3462) in 1950.
Photo taken July 1969
299. NAE38
Martindale of Ferryhill, Co. Durham NAE38, a Bristol K6B of 1950 with Eastern Coach Works bodywork.
Photo taken May 1970, Martindale's Garage off Durham Road, Ferryhill
300. NAE45
Tetley Tea Co., Eaglescliffe Industrial Estate, NAE45, a Bristol KS6B built in 1950 with ECW H32/28R bodywork.
Photo taken October 1969, High Street, Yarm
301. NHN909
United AS BH9, NHN909, a Bristol K6B from 1950 with Eastern Coach Works H30/26R bodywork
Photo taken July 1968, Bishop Auckland Market Place
302. NHN910
United AS BH10, NHN910, a Bristol K6B built in 1950 with ECW H30/26R bodywork, taken not long before this type disappeared from the United fleet.
Photo taken December 1968, Park Street, Middlesbrough
303. ODE402
Seen at the Pembroke Dock garage of Silcox is number 25, ODE402, a Bristol K6G the chassis of which was new in 1950 and which had not been bodied until July 1952 when it was fitted with a 1940 Metro Cammell FH32/28R body ex-Birmingham trolleybus 83 (FOK83).
Photo taken Tuesday 14 August 1962, Pembroke Dock
304. ONO63
Eastern National 2250, ONO63, was a Bristol K5G with an Eastern Coachworks L27/28R body new in January 1950 as 4042, renumbered in 1954 as 1322, then ten years later as 2250.
Photo taken Sunday 31 October 1965, ENOC Bishops Stortford Garage
305. ONO66
Eastern National 1334, ONO66, a Bristol K5G with an Eastern Coachworks L27/28R body new in 1950 as number 4045 which was renumbered in July 1954.
Photo taken Saturday 28 March 1964, Colchester Bus Station
306. ONO76
Eastern National CR1340, ONO76, a Bristol K5G with ECW L27/28R body, new in 1950.
Photo taken April 1960, Colchester Bus Station
307. ONO78
Rear view of Eastern National 2269, ONO78, a Bristol K5G with ECW L27/28R body, new in 1950, and showing a typically informative ENOC destination on the rear blinds
Photo taken August 1965, Basildon Bus Station
308. RPU523
Eastern National BN2305, RPU523, a Bristol KS5G with ECW L27/28R body, new in 1950.
Photo taken September 1966, Basildon Depot
309. DJN560
Eastern National 2307, DJN560, was a Bristol KSW6B new in 1951 with an Eastern Coachworks L27/28R body as number 1350.
Photo taken Sunday 13 September 1964, Victoria Circus, Southend
310. EJN627
Eastern National SD1361, EJN627, a Bristol KSW5G with ECW L27/28R body, new to Westcliff-on-Sea in 1951
Photo taken Victoria Circus, Southend
311. FMO980
Thames Valley 598, FMO980, Bristol KS6B with ECW CL53RD, new in 1951.
Photo taken early 1960s, London Victoria Coach Station
312. GFW278
Shaw, Byers Green GFW278 seen in Spennymoor was a Bristol KS6B with an Eastern Coachworks H32/28R body which had been new as Lincolnshire 777 in May 1951. In 1953 it was renumbered 2130 and passed to Shaw in December 1965 via North (dealer), Sherburn.
Photo taken Thursday 3 August 1967, Spennymoor Bus Station
313. GFW278
Shaw Bros, Byers Green, GFW278, a Bristol KS6B built in 1950 with ECW H32/28R bodywork. This had been new as Lincolnshire RC 777.
Photo taken late 1960s?, Spennymoor Bus Station
314. GJB279
I was given special permission to photograph Thames Valley 641 which was not on show to the general public. GJB279 is a Bristol KSW6B dating from 1951. It has ECW L28/27R body and came out of service with Thames Valley in the late sixties.
Photo taken Sunday 24 May 2015, Hooton Park
315. GJB281
Thames Valley 643, GJB281, was a Bristol KSW6B with an E.C.W. L27/28R body new in 1951
Photo taken Saturday 21 June 1958, rear of Course Road Depot, Ascot
316. GJB284
Thames Valley 646, GJB284, a Bristol KSW6B with an Eastern Coachworks L27/28R body, was new in November 1951.
Photo taken Saturday 13 August 1966, Reading Stations
317. HHR823
Ex Wilts and Dorset Bristol KSW5G HHR823, new in 1951, seen here far from home. It was withdrawn by W&D in 1967 but what happened after that is unclear.
Photo taken 1973/4, New Zealand
318. JWY224
Former West Yorkshire RCC DBW1, JWY224, a Bristol KSW6B with ECW L27/28RD body, new in 1951 as 806, being renumbered in 1954.
Photo taken April 1968, Halifax
319. KEL729
Hants & Dorset 1286, KEL729, a Bristol KSW6B with ECW L55R body, new in 1951
Photo taken 1969, Bournemouth Bus Station
320. KWU370
KWU370 was West Yorksire DBW14 and was a Bristol KSW6B with an Eastern Coachworks L27/28R body new in 1951, when it carried number 832.
Photo taken Saturday 7 October 1967, Otley Bus Station
321. LNG299
Eastern Counties LK299, LNG299, a Bristol KS5G with an 8ft wide ECW L27/28R body, new in 1951.
Photo taken Tuesday 30 June 1964, Great Yarmouth Bus Station
322. LNG300
Eastern Counties LK300, LNG300, a Bristol KS5G with an Eastern Coachworks L27/28R body, new in March 1951.
Photo taken Saturday 16 October 1965, Norwich Bus Station
323. LTA833
Western National 1814, LTA833, was a Bristol KSW6B with an ECW L55R body of 1951.
Photo taken 1968, St. Austell Station
324. LTA942
Southern National 1832, LTA942, was a Bristol KSW6B with an Eastern Coachworks L27/28R body new in 1951.
Photo taken Saturday 15 June 1968, Yeovil Bus Station
325. LTA949
Southern National 1839, LTA949, was a Bristol KS5G with an Eastern Coachworks L27/28R body new in 1951.
Photo taken Saturday 15 June 1968, Yeovil Bus Station
326. NAE17
Shaw Bros, Byers Green, NAE17, a Bristol KS6B built in 1951 with ECW H32/28R bodywork. This had been new as Bristol Omnibus 3462 and was smartly turned out when taken at the depot.
Photo taken May 1970, Byers Green Depot
327. NAE48
This is the final image in Roger's collection that is marked as being taken at the Old Bridge, Bath. Bath Tramways 8016, NAE48, was a 1951 Bristol KS6B with an 8 foot wide ECW H32/28R body.
Photo taken December 1955, Old Bridge, Bath
328. NAE50
Bristol 8018, NAE50, was a KSW6B new in 1951.
Photo taken December 1955, Old Bridge, Bath
329. NAE58
Bristol Tramways 8026, NAE58, a Bristol KSW6B with E.C.W. H32/28R body new in 1951.
Photo taken Sunday 13 July 1958, Royal Well Bus Station, Cheltenham
330. NAE61
Bristol Tramways 1801, NAE61, a Bristol KSW6B with E.C.W. H32/28R body new in 1951.
Photo taken Sunday 13 July 1958, London Road, Gloucester
331. NHY939
Cheltenham garage is the location for NHY939, Cheltenham District 81, a 1951 Bristol KSW6B with E.C.W. H32/28R body.
Photo taken Sunday 13 July 1958, Cheltenham Garage
332. NHY952
Bath Tramways 8030 NHY952 was a Bristol KSW6B/ECW H32/28R new in 1951.
Photo taken December 1955, Oldfield Park, Bath
333. OHY939
Preserved 1951 Bristol lowbridge KSW6B L8089, OHY938
Photo taken Sunday 10 August 2008, turning from Baldwin Street onto Bristol Bridge, Bristol
334. SHK521
ENOC 4139, SHK521, a Bristol KSW5G with ECW L27/28R body new in 1951.
Photo taken Thursday 29 May 1952, North Weald Rifle Ranges
335. SHK528
Eastern National 2316, previously 1359, SHK528, was a Bristol KSW5G with an Eastern Coachworks L27/28R body new in October 1951 as 4146.
Photo taken Sunday 31 October 1965, Braintree Bus Park
336. TNO689
Eastern National 2335, TNO689, a Bristol KSW5G with ECW L27/28R body, new in 1951.
Photo taken April 1968, Basildon Depot
337. FJN156
Eastern National HH1386, FJN156, a Bristol KSW5G with ECW L55R body, which entered service in 1952 with Westcliff-on-Sea
Photo taken Victoria Circus, Southend
338. FJN158
Eastern National 2349, FJN158, was a Bristol KSW5G with an Eastern Coachworks L27/28R body new in 1952 to Westcliff on Sea, later becoming Eastern National 1392 before being renumbered in 1964.
Photo taken February/March 1966, Hadleigh Depot
339. FJN159
Eastern National SD1393, FJN159, a Bristol KSW5G with ECW L55R body, new to Westcliff in 1952. Later in 1964 renumbered to 2350.
Photo taken Friday 29 August 1958, Victoria Station, Southend
340. GJB266
Thames Valley 650, GJB288, a Bristol KSW6B with an Eastern Coachworks L27/28R body new in 1952 is seen in the parking area at Reading Stations.
Photo taken Saturday 22 August 1959, Parking area, Reading Stations
341. HMR810
Hants & Dorset 9093, HMR810, was new to Wilts & Dorset in 1952, a Bristol KSW5G with ECW lowbridge body, and seen here relegated to training duties by the yard of the Southampton Grosvenor Square depot.
Photo taken August 1975, Grosvenor Square, Southampton
342. HMW445
Wilts & Dorset lowbridge Bristol KSW5G 359, HMW445, new in 1952.
Photo taken 1971, Basingstoke Bus Garage
343. HMW448
Wilts & Dorset 362, HMW448, was a Bristol KSW5G with an Eastern Coachworks L27/28R body new in 1952. Seen at Basingstoke it was one of thirteen delivered that year,
Photo taken Thursday 21 August 1958, Basingstoke
344. HWV294
HWV294 is the latest vehicle to be fully restored as part of the Roger Burdett collection. It's Wilts & Dorset 365, new in 1952 as a Bristol KSW5G but now converted to a KSW6G.
Photo taken Sunday 23 March 2014, private property near Coventry
345. JDL33
Southern Vectis 756 & 759, HDL270 & JDL33 were a Bristol KS5G and a Bristol KSW5G respectively, with Eastern Coachworks L27/28R bodies new in 1952.
Photo taken Sunday 1 September 1963, Ryde, Isle of Wight
346. JDL34
Ocean Port Services, Liverpool (?), JDL34, a Bristol KSW5G built in 1952 with ECW L27/28R bodywork.
Photo taken August 1970, Strand Street, Liverpool
347. KWU368
To amplify comments elsewhere about the prototype staggered seat installation in West Yorkshire KSW6B 830 here is an official view, showing the individual seat backs to which I referred. Close examination of the photo shows that the seats were set at an angle across the bus, in order to encourage the outer passenger not to use the gangway for resting the right leg!
Photo taken 1952
348. KWU372
West Yorkshire DBW16, KWU372, a Bristol KSW6B with ECW L55R body, new in 1952
Photo taken Saturday 7 August 1965, Templar Street, Leeds
349. KWU372
Another view of West Yorkshire DBW16, KWU372, a Bristol KSW6B with ECW L55R body, new in 1952.
Photo taken 1965, Vicar Lane, Leeds
350. KWU374
West Yorkshire DBW18, KWU374, was a Bristol KSW6B with ECW lowbridge body.
Photo taken 1966, Bond Street/Infirmary Street, Leeds
351. LRU58
Bournemouth Bus Station with examples of lowbridge and highbridge ECW bodies: FRU826, relegated to the training fleet and LRU58, KSW6G in service.
Photo taken 1966?, Bournemouth Bus Station
352. LTA883
Western National 1859, LTA883, was an imposing Bristol KSW/ECW of 1952.
Photo taken 1968, Penzance Bus Station
353. LTA993
Southern National 1850, LTA993 Bristol KSW6B with an Eastern Coachworks L27/28R body new in 1952.
Photo taken Saturday 15 June 1968, Yeovil Bus Station
354. LWR417
Seen outside the bus station in Vicar Lane, Leeds is West Yorkshire DBW31, LWR417, a Bristol KSW6B with ECW CL27/24RD body in a somewhat flambuoyant livery of red/cream/black and polished aluminium and was often referred to as 'The mobile fish bar'.
Photo taken Saturday 15 June 1957, Vicar Lane, Leeds
355. LWR417
West Yorkshire DBW31 (851), LWR417, was a Bristol KSW6B with the famous (some say infamous) CL27/24RD body dating from 1952.
Photo taken Sunday 2 October 1955, Bridge Street/High Street Roundabout, Keighley
356. LWR417
West Yorkshire DBW31, LWR417, a Bristol KSW6B with ECW CL27/24RD body has already been featured.
357. LWR417
LWR417, West Yorkshire 851 (later DBW31) has been attracting much comment on the site recently. These official photos of it will help to give a fuller picture of the conversion to double deck coach that was carried out in West Yorkshire's East Parade Central Works.
Photo taken May 1953, Harrogate Stray
358. LWR421
West Yorkshire DGW1, LWR421, a Bristol KSW6G with Eastern Coach Works L27/28RD body seen leaving Vicar Lane Bus Station in Leeds.
Photo taken Sunday 6 July 1958, Vicar Lane Bus Station, Leeds
359. LWR421
West Yorkshire, Harrogate LWR421, a Bristol KSW6G with an Eastern Coachworks L27/28RD body new in December 1952 waits in Chester Street Bus Station in Bradford before departing for Keighley.
Photo taken Sunday 27 July 1958, Chester Street Bus Station, Bradford
360. MAH309
Poor quality but I hope its worth it. In colour a red and green coloured bus both at Cambridge Railway Station in the early 1960s. The Eastern Counties Bristol KSW5G, new in 1952, MAH309, LKH309 was bodied by ECW H32/28R and is on the short run from the station through the City Centre. On a very much longer run is 1960 United Counties URP600 shortly to set off on route 128 to Northampton. Fleet no 600 is a Bristol FS6B with ECW body H33/27RD.
Photo taken early 1960s, Cambridge Railway Station
361. MAH318
Eastern Counties Bristol KSW, looks like LKH318, MAH318.
Photo taken June 1968, St Margaret's Road, Lowestoft
362. MAH332
Seen at Bishop's Road Bus Station, Peterborough was Eastern Counties LKH332, MAH332, a Bristol KSW5G with an Eastern Coachworks H32/28R body, one of twenty-eight new in 1952.
Photo taken Saturday 24 January 1959, Bishop's Road Bus Station, Peterborough
363. NAH933
Eastern Counties Bristol KSW LKH333, NAH933 in Norwich.
Photo taken June 1968, Rose Lane, Norwich
364. NHY984
Scarlet Band of West Cornforth NHY984, a Bristol KSW6B with E.C.W. H32/28R body, new to Bristol Tramways (C8062) in 1952.
Photo taken July 1969, Scarlet Band's garage, West Cornforth
365. ODE401
One of two Bristol K6Gs new in June 1952, ODE401, Silcox, Pembroke Dock 24, had a secondhand Metro-Cammell FH32/28R body from Birmingham trolleybus 90 (FOK90) when new. It was rebodied in 1961/2 with the Willowbrook L27/28R body from Silcox's A.E.C. number 42 (RC4630).
Photo taken Friday 3 July 1970, Gas Lane, Tenby
366. ODE401
Silcox, Pembroke Dock 24 a Bristol K6G ODE401 dating from 1952 was fitted, when new, with a secondhand body from a Birmingham trolleybus but was rebodied in 1961/2 with a 1948 Willowbrook L27/28R body ex Trent 42 (RC4630) and is seen in the garage yard.
Photo taken Tuesday 14 August 1962, Pembroke Dock
367. OHY941
Seen in Cheltenham was Bristol Tramways 8078, OHY941, a Bristol KSW6B with E.C.W. H32/28RD body new in 1952.
Photo taken Sunday 13 July 1958, Royal Well Bus Station, Cheltenham
368. PHN809
United AS BH27, PHN809, a Bristol KSW6B built in 1952 with ECW H32/28R bodywork.
Photo taken July 1968, Bishop Auckland Market Place
369. PHN809
United Automobile BH27, PHN809, a Bristol KSW6B with E.C.W. H32/28R body, new in 1952 as BBH27 and renumbered to BH27 in 1964.
Photo taken Summer 1966, Marine Drive, Scarborough
370. PHN820
United BGL77, PHN820, a Bristol KSW5G with an Eastern Coachworks L27/28R body.
Photo taken Saturday 1 August 1959, Bishop Auckland Market Place
371. PHN826
United BBL64, PHN826, a Bristol KSW6B built in 1952 with ECW L27/28R bodywork.
Photo taken April 1968, Hartlepool Bus Station
372. PHN829
United BBL67 loads passengers for the trip, PHN829, a 1952 Bristol KSW6B with lowbridge ECW bodywork.
Photo taken Monday 29 August 2011, Sea Lane, Sunderland
373. PHN829
United Auto 1952 Bristol KSW6B with lowbridge ECW bodywork BBL67, PHN829. These were the last lowbridge KSW bought by United.
Photo taken 1993, The Heart of the Pennines Rally, Halifax
374. TNO677
Transferred to United Counties in May 1952 where it became number 882, TNO677 had started life as Eastern National 4152 in 1951. The E.C.W. L27/28R bodied Bristol KSW5G is seen in Bedford.
Photo taken Saturday 6 February 1960, Bedford
375. UEV830
Eastern National 2351, UEV830, a Bristol KSW5G with ECW L27/28R body, new in 1952.
Photo taken August 1966, Basildon Depot
376. UEV838
Eastern National BN2347, UEV838, a Bristol KSW5G with ECW L27/28R body, new in 1952.
Photo taken May 1965, Basildon Depot
377. UEV842
Eastern National 1397, UEV842, a Bristol KSW5G with ECW L27/28R body, new in 1952 to Westcliff (although by then Westcliff buses were being registered in Essex rather than Southend).
Photo taken Saturday 7 September 1963, Broadway Market, Southend
378. VNO865
Eastern National 1952 KSW5G 2370, VNO865, was Clacton's training bus; it was used for training from 9.00 am onwards but had to be back in Clacton bus station by 3.00 pm for schools. With four trainees each taking a turn and an hour for lunch, our driving was a bit limited!
Photo taken July 1969, Flag Inn, Wivenhoe, Essex
379. WNO474
Eastern National 2378, WNO474, converted for use as a tree lopper parked in the bus station at Chelmsford. Bristol RE single decker 1534, MHK916J, stands behind it on a 53 for Colchester.
Photo taken Chelmsford Bus Station
380. FJN160
Eastern National 2361, FJN160, a Bristol KSW5G with ECW L27/28R body, new in 1953 and originally in the Westcliff fleet.
Photo taken July 1970, Basildon Depot
381. GPN991
Brighton Hove & District 443, GPN991, a Bristol KSW6G with ECW H32/28R body, new in 1953, seen in Brighton on a sunny day under the trolleybus wires.
Photo taken Wednesday 13 April 1960, Old Steine, Brighton
382. HAP985
Preserved ex-Brighton Hove & District 6447, HAP985, a Bristol KSW6G with ECW H60R body, new in 1953.
Photo taken Sunday 18 July 2004, Watercress Line Rally, Alton
383. HAP985
Preserved ex-Brighton Hove & District 6447, HAP985, a Bristol KSW6G with ECW H60R body, new in 1953.
Photo taken Sunday 27 May 2012, Farnborough Airfield
384. HAP985
Silcox Motors, Pembroke Dock, HAP985, a Bristol KSW6G built in 1953 with ECW H32/28R bodywork.
Photo taken early 1970s?, Pembroke Dock
385. HAP985
Former Brighton Hove & District 6447, HAP985, is a Bristol KSW6G with ECW H33/28R body dating from 1953.
Photo taken Saturday 10 August 2024, Keighley Road A629, Bradley
386. HAP985
HAP985, a Bristol KSW6G with an Eastern Coachworks H33/28R body had been new as Brighton, Hove & District 447 in 1953.
Photo taken Friday 3 July 1970, Depot, London Road, Pembroke Dock
387. HAP985
Silcox, Pembroke Dock 86, HAP985, was a Bristol KSW6G built in July 1953 with ECW H32/28R bodywork purchased in May 1969.
Photo taken Friday 30 July 1971, Pembroke Dock town centre
388. HAP986
Bedlington & District, Ashington, HAP986 was a Bristol KSW6G built in July 1953 with ECW H32/28R bodywork purchased in July 1969 along with JAP500.
Photo taken Sunday 13 June 1971, outside Lintonville Terrace depot, Ashington
389. HAP990
Once upon a time this was a very familiar scene in Old Steine, Brighton, illustrated by examples of the three main operators in the town when photographed on a wet day in autumn 1967. Brighton, Hove & District No.452, HAP990, a Bristol KSW6G with ECW H32/28R bodywork delivered in October 1953 departs for Hardwick Road.
Photo taken Autumn 1967, Old Steine, Brighton
390. HAP994
Brighton, Hove & District/Southdown 2456, HAP994, a Bristol KSW6G with ECW H32/28R body new to BH&D in 1953 as 6456. It was renumbered 456 in 1955. The company became part of Southdown from 1969 whereupon it was renumbered 2456.
Photo taken Tuesday 14 April 1970, Old Steine, Brighton
391. HBL68
Former Thames Valley 666, HBL68, a Bristol KSW6B with ECW L55R body new in 1953, stored very much out of use in the depot of Fowler of Holbeach Drove.
Photo taken Tuesday 26 January 1999, Holbeach Drove, near Crowland
392. HBL68
WH Fowler & Sons, Spalding, HBL68 Bristol KSW6B built in 1953 with ECW L27/28R bodywork. New as Thames Valley 666.
Photo taken Tuesday 17 February 2015, A1, North of Grantham
393. JDL40
JDL40 is a Bristol KSW5G with ECW L27/28R body new to Southern Vectis in March 1953. It is undergoing a full restoration following its donation to IOW bus museum in 2020
Photo taken Friday 13 October 2023, IOW bus Museum Ryde
394. KBE180
Lincolnshire Road Car 2142, KBE180, a rather smart KSW6G new in 1953, loads at Southgate Street in Leicester prior to the long run to Grantham.
Photo taken late 1950s, Southgate Street, Leicester
395. LWR424
Many bus companies used to convert redundant buses into ancillary vehicles. Seen here is West Yorks Road Car recovery truck 4044, LWR424. Originally a 1953 lowbridge Bristol KSW6G numbered 858 it became DGW4 in 1954. It was converted to a tow truck in 1970.
Photo taken Sunday 19 July 2009, Elland Road, Leeds
396. LWR424
West Yorkshire DGW4, LWR424, is a Bristol KSW6G/ECW L27/28RD of 1953. In 1972 it was converted to towing vehicle 4044, and is now preserved.
Photo taken 1966, Barwick-in-Elmet
397. LWR424
West Yorkshire DGW4, LWR424, is a Bristol KSW6G/ECW L27/28RD of 1953.
Photo taken 1966, Aberford
398. LWR430
Seen laying over in Otley Bus Station is West Yorkshire DGW10, LWR430, a Bristol KSW6G with an Eastern Coachworks L27/28RD body new in 1953, when it was numbered 864.
Photo taken Saturday 7 October 1967, Otley Bus Station
399. OHY942
Yuill, Hartlepool based contractor, OHY942 (B7), a Bristol KSW6 of 1953 with Eastern Coach Works H32/28R bodywork.
Photo taken August 1972, Cypress Road building site, Marton, Middlesbrough
400. OHY942
Sixty years ago at Gloucester Kings Square Bus Station, one K and two KSWs from the Bristol Omnibus fleet await departure with 8079, KSW OHY942 on the right.
Photo taken August 1960, Kings Square Bus Station, Gloucester
401. OHY949
In July 1954, Bristol 8100, OHY949, proceeds in a stately fashion past some interesting cars parked on The Circus, Bath.
Photo taken July 1954, The Circus, Bath
402. OHY954
Seen at the Garage in Cheltenham is Cheltenham District 84, OHY954, a Bristol KSW6B with E.C.W. H32/28R body new in 1953.
Photo taken Sunday 13 July 1958, Cheltenham Garage
403. OHY984
Acquired in 1970 from Bristol O.C. C8127 to become Silcox, Pembroke Dock 96, OHY984, seen at the garage, was a Bristol KSW6G with an Eastern Coachworks H32/28R body which had been new in August 1953.
Photo taken Tuesday 3 August 1971, Silcox Garage, Pembroke Dock
404. SHN703
Yorkshire Woollen District 167, SHN703, a Bristol KSW6B with ECW H32/28RD body, new to United Automobile in 1953 as BBH30, later renumbered 61.
Photo taken 1969/1970, Parking area off Longcauseway, Dewsbury
405. SHN707
United Automobile 64, SHN707, a Bristol KSW6B with E.C.W. H32/28R body, new in 1953 as BBH34.
Photo taken July 1969, Bishop Auckland Market Place
406. SHN710
United BGH1, SHN710, was the first Bristol KSW5G with ECW H32/28R body new in 1953. Like all the highbridge KSWs it gained the more powerful Bristol engine after a few years, in this case as BBH61 in 10/59.
Photo taken Tuesday 28 July 1970, Crown Hotel, Dewsbury
407. SHN712
United AS 78, SHN712, a Bristol KSW6B built in 1953 with ECW H32/28R bodywork. This vehicle had been new as BGH3 and had received a Bristol engine from a L6B in 1959 and was renumbered BBH60 becoming BH60 in 1964 and renumbered again becoming 78 in 1969.
Photo taken July 1969, Park Street, Middlesbrough
408. SHN714
United Auto BH58, SHN714, built 1953 as KSW5G was re-engined with a Bristol 6 cylinder version around 1960. It is passing Cargo Fleet garage 6 months after the formation of Teesside Municipal Transport. The trolleybuses had about 4 years left before withdrawal.
Photo taken Saturday 14 September 1968, TRTB South Bank Depot
409. SHN715
United AS 75, SHN715, a Bristol KSW5G built in 1953 with ECW H32/28RD bodywork, converted to KSW6B in 1959.
Photo taken January 1969, Park Street, Middlesbrough
410. SRB528
Notts & Derby 300, SRB528, a Bristol KSW6G with an Eastern Coachworks H32/28R body, was the first of fifteen delivered in 1953.
Photo taken Sunday 12 July 1964, Langley Mill Garage
411. SRB529
Notts & Derby 301, SRB529, the second of a batch of fifteen Bristol KSW6Gs with Eastern Coachworks H32/28R bodies new in 1953 is seen in Nottingham. These were the first post-war motorbuses in the fleet, the immediately preceding ones being five T.S.M. B60A6s with Weymann H26/24R bodies in 1932.
Photo taken Saturday 6 October 1962, Mount Street, Nottingham
412. SRB536
Notts & Derby 408, SRB536, seen at the garage in Ilkeston was a Bristol KSW6G with an Eastern Coachworks H32/28R body, one of fifteen dating from 1953. Withdrawn later in the year it was not traced further.
Photo taken Sunday 28 April 1968, Midland General Garage, Ilkeston
413. SRB539
SRB539 was new in 1953 as Notts & Derby 311, and was a Bristol KSW6G with an Eastern Coachworks H32/28R body.
Photo taken Sunday 12 July 1964, Mount Street Bus Station, Nottingham
414. SRB542
AA Motor Services (Tumilty), Ayr, SRB542, a Bristol KSW6G built in 1953 with ECW H32/28R bodywork.
Photo taken June 1971, Irvine Depot
415. UHN638
United AS BH38, UHN638, a Bristol KSW6B built in 1953 with ECW H32/28R bodywork.
Photo taken August 1967, Park Street, Middlesbrough
416. VNO856
A busy scene at Colchester Bus Park in 1959 with ENOC Bristol KSW5G 1403, VNO856 shortly to leave on route 75 to West Mersea and alongside Eastern Counties Bristol MW5G LL440, WPW640, on service 221 to East Bergholt.
Photo taken Friday 7 August 1959, Colchester Bus Park
417. VNO857
Eastern National SD2359, VNO857, a Bristol KSW5G with ECW L27/28R body
Photo taken Saturday 27 March 1965, Southchurch Road/Sutton Road, Southend
418. VNO857
Eastern National SD2359, VNO857, a Bristol KSW5G with ECW L27/28R body, new in 1953 as fleet number 4187, then 1402, then 2359. It was withdrawn in 1971.
Photo taken early 1970's, outside EN Depot/Bus Station, London Road, Southend
419. VNO858
Eastern National KSW 1406, later 2363, VNO858, on service P to Bishop’s Stortford and alongside LS coach FJN166, 371, later 311, possibly on a WG plate.
Photo taken Friday 26 July 1957, Walton Depot
420. VNO859
Preserved ENOC KSW5G VNO859. This was delivered in 1953 with an ECW L27/28RD body, one of only three KSWs in the fleet with rear doors. Originally numbered 4189, the following year renumbered as 1407 - the number it carries in preservation - and finally in August 1964 renumbered as 2364. It was withdrawn by ENOC in 1970.
Photo taken Saturday 24 February 2001, Severals Business Park, Colchester
421. VNO859
Preserved ENOC KSW VNO859, a second view.
Photo taken Saturday 24 February 2001, adjacent to the Electric Palace Cinema, Harwich
422. VNO859
Preserved ENOC KSW VNO859, a third view.
Photo taken Saturday 24 February 2001, adjacent to the Electric Palace Cinema, Harwich
423. VNO859
Preserved Eastern National KSW, VNO859.
Photo taken Sunday 6 June 2004, Southchurch Park East, Southend
424. VNO859
A lovely pair of Bristols - KSW5G ECW of course- from Eastern National delivered in 1953 which went through major renumbering in 1954 & 1964. VNO859 (4189, then 1407 as seen here, then 2364) is one of a trio with platform doors and staggered seats upstairs, intended for the Braintree (BE) to London service (322 )inherited from Hicks Brothers. It will soon reach its 40th year in continuous preservation.
Photo taken Tuesday 18 June 2013, Wormingford, deepest Essex
425. VNO859
A second view of NTW942C alongside preserved KSW VNO859
Photo taken Southend
426. VNO860
Rear view of Eastern National 2365, VNO860, a Bristol KSW5G with ECW L27/28RD body, new in 1953 and one of only three Bristol Ks that had rear doors fitted.
Photo taken March 1968, Basildon Depot Yard
427. VNO861
Eastern National HH2366, VNO861, a Bristol KSW5G with ECW L27/28R body, new in 1953.
428. VNO865
Eastern National KSW5G 2370, VNO865, at Wivenhoe Flag Inn on training duties, not for staff refreshments. Incidentally EN's Chief Driving Instructor was also our official Test Examiner.
Photo taken July 1969, Flag Inn, Wivenhoe
429. VNO865
Canham's Whittlesey ex Eastern National KSW5G, VNO865, in the Horsefair, Wisbech, probably on the service to March taken over fron Bluebell in 1971.
Photo taken Saturday 3 November 1973, Horsefair, Wisbech
430. WNO474
Eastern National 2378, WNO474, a Bristol KSW5G, new to Westcliff in 1953 and converted during winter 1965/6 to open top (O33/28R).
Photo taken Sunday 20 August 1967, Western Esplanade, Southend
431. WNO475
Former ENOC open topper 2379, WNO475, seen here with Prins Classic Transport of Holland. It was new in 1953 to Westcliff-on-Sea, passed to Eastern National in 1955, was converted to open-top in the mid 1960s.
Photo taken Tuesday 22 October 2002, Holland
432. WNO478
Eastern National SD1423, WNO478, a Bristol KSW5G with ECW L27/28R body.
Photo taken Friday 26 July 1963, Thorpe Bay Corner, Southend
433. WNO478
Eastern National 2380 WNO478, a Bristol KSW5G with ECW O33/28R body, is seen here participating in the Southend Bus Rally and is about to turn into Southchurch Park East.
Photo taken Sunday 1 June 1975, Lifstan Way, Southchurch, Southend
434. WNO478
Eastern National 2380, WNO478, a Bristol KSW5G, new to Westcliff in 1953 and converted during winter 1965/6 to open top (O33/28R).
Photo taken Sunday 20 August 1967, Kursaal, Southend
435. WNO478
Preserved ENOC open-topper WNO478, carrying its final fleet number, 2380.
Photo taken Canvey Island
436. WNO479
Eastern National SD2383, WNO479, Bristol KSW5G converted to open top in 1966, with SCT 311 following, seen on Carnival Day.
Photo taken Saturday 13 August 1977, Kursaal, Southend
437. WNO479
In a number of years in the 1970s and 1980s, Eastern National were not able to provide crews for their share of the seasonal seafront services and Southend Transport operated the services, hiring EN's KSWs (and, latterly, FLFs). Here we see 2383, WNO479, on hire to ST, seen on a rather deserted Western Esplanade at Westcliff, en route for Temple Sutton on the 67.
Photo taken Western Esplanade, Southend
438. WNO479
Eastern National open-topper 2383, WNO479, a Bristol KSW new in 1953.
Photo taken July 1978, Western Esplanade, Southend
439. WNO479
Eastern National open-topper 2383, WNO479, heads for Kent Elms Corner on a 67
Photo taken West of Southend Pier
440. WNO479
Eastern National 2383, WNO479, stands at the Temple Sutton terminus of the 67.
Photo taken Temple Sutton, Southend
441. WNO480
Eastern National SD2384, WNO480, a Bristol KSW5G with ECW body
Photo taken Saturday 11 August 1973, turning into Victoria Road on a Carnival Day diversion from Eastern Esplanade, Southend
442. WNO480
Open Top Eastern National KSW, 2384, WNO480, seen at Meadowview Holiday Park in the late 70s/early 80s.
Photo taken late 70s/early 80s, Meadowview Holiday Park, Clacton
443. WNO480
Eastern National 2384, WNO480, well away from the sea front, stands at the western terminus of the 67, in the middle of a housing estate at Kent Elms Corner.
Photo taken Kent Elms Corner, Southend
444. WNO480
Ex Eastern National 2384, WNO480, one of the Bristol KSW5Gs new in 1953 and converted to open top in 1967.
Photo taken Sunday 3 October 2004, Stephenson's yard, Rochford
445. WNO480
Ex Eastern National 2384, WNO480, now with Town and Country, one of the Bristol KSW5Gs new in 1953 and converted to open top in 1967.
Photo taken Saturday 8 October 2005, Ockendon Station
446. WNO481
Former Eastern National 2385, WNO481, now resting in a yard in Tenerife and looking in very sad condition.
Photo taken Wednesday 19 September 2007, off Calle de Dinamarca, Adeje, Tenerife, Canary Islands
447. WNO481
Former Eastern National 2385, WNO481, with Tricentrol
448. WNO482
On route 107 to Walton-on-Naze, Eastern National 1424, WNO482, a Bristol KSW5G, new in 1953 as 4204.
Photo taken August 1956, Holland-on-Sea
449. WNO482
A busy day at Clacton with Eastern National KSW WNO482 unloading passengers, late 1950s or early 1960s.
Photo taken Clacton Bus Station
450. WNO482
Ex-Eastern National open-top KSW WNO482.
Photo taken 1986, Brentgovel Street, Bury St. Edmunds
451. WNO483
Eastern National SD2382, WNO483, Bristol KSW / ECW open top. New in 1953, converted to open top May 1966.
Photo taken June 1980, Central Works, Chelmsford
452. WNO483
Eastern National KSW open-topper 2382, WNO483, waits at the end of Lifstan Way ready to turn onto the sea front with a 67 for Kent Elms Corner.
Photo taken Lifstan Way / Eastern Esplanade, Southend
453. WNO483
Eastern National 2382, WNO483, a Bristol KSW5G, new in 1953 as 4205, then 1425 and finally 2382. It was converted during winter 1965/6 to open top (O33/28R).
Photo taken Sunday 20 August 1967, Western Esplanade, Southend
454. WNO484
When first converted the WNO batch of Eastern National open toppers were painted in the same livery as their predecessors, cream with Tilling green mudguards and engine covers. Here 2386, WNO484, has just passed under the very low pier bridge on a 67 for Kent Elms Corner.
Photo taken Southend Pier
455. WNO484
Eastern National 2386, WNO484, a Bristol KSW5G, new in 1953 as fleet number 4206, then 1429 and finally 2386. It was converted during winter 1965/6 to open top (O33/28R).
Photo taken Sunday 20 August 1967, Western Esplanade, Southend
456. WNO484
Preserved former Easter National WNO484, a 1953 Bristol KSW5G with ECW lowbridge body, this bus had its top removed at the ECW and ran in service along the Southend Seafront before its retirement from Eastern National in 1974.
Photo taken Sunday 4 September 2011, Rhydycar Leisure Centre, Merthyr Tydfil
457. HAP990
Brighton, Hove & District HAP990, a Bristol KSW6G with ECW H32/28R body, new in 1954 as 6458.
Photo taken Saturday 18 July 1970, Old Steine, Brighton
458. HAP999
Brighton, Hove & District Bristol KSW6G/E.C.W. 461, HAP999, new in 1954, at Old Steine, Brighton, c.1969 on route 46B to Hollingbury.
Photo taken c.February 1969, Old Steine, Brighton
459. JAP508
OK Motor Services, Bishop Auckland, JAP508, a Bristol KSW6G from 1954 with ECW bodywork.
Photo taken July 1970, rear of OK's Bishop Auckland depot
460. JBD965
A Bristol K a long way from home pictured near the town of Cherokee in North Carolina - the bus appears to belong to "Santa's Land" which is a local theme park. JBD965 was originally United Counties 928, a Bristol KSW6B with ECW L55R body new in 1954.
Photo taken Saturday 18 September 2004, nr. Cherokee, North Carolina, USA
461. JBD965
Former United Counties 928, JBD965, a Bristol KSW6B with ECW L55R body new in 1954 in sorry condition and being used as an advert outside a rafting company in Dillsboro.
Photo taken Saturday 30 April 2022, Dillsboro, North Carolina
462. KAM595
Wilts & Dorset 389, KAM595, a Bristol KSW6B with ECW L55RD body.
Photo taken c.1960, Bournemouth Bus Station
463. KNV337
The ECW bodied Bristol K was one of the all time classic buses. This example dates from 1954 and is a Bristol KSW6B with ECW lowbridge body which entered service with United Counties at Northampton and later became a driver training vehicle prior to preservation. 964, KNV337, is seen at Keighley Bus Museum.
Photo taken Sunday 8 June 2014, Keighley Bus Museum
464. KNV337
New to United Counties in 1954, this Bristol KSW6B carries a lowbridge ECW body with staggered seating on the upper deck. It was 964 KNV337 in the United Counties fleet.
Photo taken Sunday 8 October 2017, Skipton Bus Station
465. SHW354
Shaw Brothers, Byers Green, SHW354, a Bristol KSW6G with ECW bodywork.
Photo taken November 1970, Byers Green Depot
466. UHN642
United AS 67, UHN642, a Bristol KSW6B built in 1954/5 with ECW H32/28R bodywork.
Photo taken June 1969, High Street, Stockton
467. VHN847
United BBH47, VHN847, was a Bristol KSW6B with an Eastern Coachworks H32/28R body.
Photo taken Sunday 2 August 1959, Feethams, Darlington
468. WHN55
United AS BH55, WHN55, a Bristol KSW6B built in 1954 with ECW H32/28R bodywork.
Photo taken December 1968, Carlisle
469. WHN56
United AS 74, WHN56, a Bristol KSW6B built in 1954 with ECW H32/28R bodywork. Numerically the last KSW to be delivered to United and seen here working route 397 to Dinnington Village from Newcastle Haymarket.
Photo taken October 1969, Haymarket Bus Station, Newcastle
470. JAP509
Brighton and Hove 471, JAP509, a Bristol KSW6G with ECW H32/28R body, new in 1955. When delivered it was numbered 6471 but was renumbered to 471 the same year.
Photo taken Sunday 12 April 1964, Old Steine, Brighton
471. JAP510
Brighton, Hove and District 472, JAP510, a Bristol KSW6G with ECW H32/28R body, new in 1955. When delivered it was numbered 6472 but was renumbered to 472 the same year.
Photo taken Sunday 14 March 1965, Old Steine, Brighton
472. JRX817
Thames Valley 742, JRX817, a Bristol KSW6B with ECW L53RD body, new in 1955
Photo taken c. 1960, London Victoria Coach Station
473. JRX817
JRX 817, an ex-Thames Valley Bristol seen at the British Army's training unit at Suffield, Alberta, Canada during a 1975 world tour.
Photo taken May 1975, Suffield, Alberta, Canada
474. JRX821
Thames Valley 746, JRX821, was a 1955 Bristol KSW6B with an Eastern Coachworks L27/28R body.
Photo taken Saturday 21 June 1958, Ascot
475. JRX823
Preserved ex-Thames Valley 748, JRX823, a Bristol KSW6B with ECW L55R body which had the distinction of being the last but one KSW to be built in 1955. It was withdrawn in 1974 and passed into preservation.
Photo taken Sunday 20 July 2003, Alton
476. JRX823
Another view of ex Thames Valley KSW 748, JRX823, about to have an argument with a Queen Mary.
Photo taken mid 1990's, Amberley Chalk Pits Museum, near Arundel
477. JRX823
Rear view of Thames Valley KSW JRX823
Photo taken Sunday 18 July 2004, Watercress Line Rally, Alton
478. JRX823
Preserved ex-Thames Valley 748, JRX823, a Bristol KSW6B with ECW L55R body, built in 1955. It was withdrawn in 1974 and passed into preservation.
Photo taken Sunday 17 July 2005, Alton
479. KNJ556
Brighton, Hove and District 481, KNJ556, a Bristol KSW6G with ECW H32/28R body, new in 1955.
Photo taken Sunday 14 March 1965, Pool Valley Bus Station, Brighton
480. UHY360
Preserved Bristol C8320, UHY360, pulls away during the running day. It was a Bristol KSW6B with ECW H33/28R body new in 1955.
Photo taken Sunday 12 August 2012, Baldwin Street, Bistol
481. UHY362
Preserved Bristol Omnibus highbridge KSW6B 8322, UHY362, new in 1955
Photo taken Sunday 10 May 2009, Barlaston, Stoke-on-Trent
482. UHY374
UHY374 is a Cheltenham District KSW6G with ECW H33/27R body, number 90 in the fleet and new in 1955.
Photo taken Tuesday 26 April 2016, private site near Coventry
483. UHY374
After just short of 3 years UHY374, Cheltenham District 90, is seen ready to be handed back to its owner after being fully restored. Ahead of leaving the West Midlands, a chance for some photography.
Photo taken Monday 18 March 2019, a private site near Coventry
484. UHY384
On a very wet and windy New Year's day, Bristol KSW6G 8336, UHY384 is passed by former Southampton AEC Swift JOW499E under the watchful eye of King Alfred
Photo taken Wednesday 1 January 2014, The Broadway, Winchester
485. WHN56
United BBH56, WHN56, a Bristol KSW6B with ECW H32/28R body new in 1955, seen in the snowy Newcastle Jesmond depot yard on 15 February 1970 after renumbering to BH56 in November 1964 then to 74 in January 1969.
Photo taken Sunday 15 February 1970, Newcastle Jesmond depot yard
486. WHN56
Seen at Berwick is United BH56, WHN56, a Bristol KSW6B with Eastern Coachworks H32/28R body.
Photo taken Monday 26 July 1965, Berwick Bus Station
487. WHW811
Bristol C8370, WHW811, a Bristol KSW6G with ECW H32/28R body, new in 1956, with two FLFs behind in two shades of green.
Photo taken 1974, Colston Avenue, Bristol
488. MPM493
Former Brighton, Hove & District 493, MPM493, a Bristol KS6G with E.C.W. H34/28R body, new in 1957, still in BH&D guise though now under Southdown ownership. This was one of the very last sanction of K-types built, at a time when all other former Tilling/BTC companies had switched to Lodekkas.
Photo taken July 1970, Southern end of Victoria Gardens, Marlborough Place, Brighton