The coding used by AEC for the Reliance consisted of the basic model type, ('MU' or '2MU'=30ft long Reliance 470, '4MU'=36ft long Reliance 470 or '2U'=36ft long Reliance 590), followed by a gearbox type code ('2'=monocontrol epicyclic, '3'=syncromesh, '4'=constant mesh), followed by 'R' for right hand control followed finally by brake type ('V'=vacuum or 'A'=air).
See the
AEC Bus Site for more details and more photos.
Click on any thumbnail for a full size photo
3. GAN403GAN403, an A.E.C. MU3RV Reliance with a Roe Dalesman body, new to Essex County, London E.15 in June 1954 was one of four such coaches GAN402 - GAN405, and had been acquired by Edwards, Joys Green in February 1960 from H. & C., Garston to whom it had passed earlier in the year.
Photo taken Saturday 3 June 1967, Depot Yard, Joys Green
30. TKM317A line up of Maidstone and District coaches, one of the WKM semi-chassisless Beadle rebuilds on the left and then five of the TKM batch of AEC Reliances with Harrington C37C bodies, new in 1954/5 including from the left CO317, TKM317, CO335, TKM335, CO336, TKM336 and CO313, TKM313.
Photo taken c. 1957, London Victoria Coach Station
37. TUA32Leeds 32, TUA32, the A.E.C. MU3RV Reliance which had been exhibited at the 1954 Commercial Motor Show, is seen at North Parkway, Seacroft on the first day of the extension of route 45 from Harehills to Seacroft, via Easterly Road, Boggart Hill Drive and Kentmere Avenue.
Photo taken Sunday 2 March 1958, North Parkway, Seacroft
40. TUA33Leeds 33, TUA33, one of three A.E.C. MU3RA Reliances, new in December 1954, with Roe B34 + 24C bodies at Bridge Road Kirkstall. It, along with 34, was fitted with power operated doors in September 1955 (33), March 1956 (34).
Photo taken Friday 18 February 1955, Bridge Road, Kirkstall
212. WUM43WUM43, an A.E.C. MU3RV Reliance with a Duple Elizabethan C41C body, one of three, WUM42 - WUM44, which had been new to Wallace Arnold, Leeds in 1956, was acquired by Edwards, Joys Green in January 1965 from S. Hughes (dealer), Mirfield, to whom it had passed in November 1964.
Photo taken Saturday 3 June 1967, Depot Yard, Joys Green
213. WUM44Wallace Arnold WUM44, an A.E.C. MU3RV Reliance, new in 1956, with a Duple Elizabethan C41C body, having been parked in the lay-by on the Mellor Brook Road, for a photographic stop, prepares to continue its journey to Blackpool with a party of enthusiasts for a tour of the tram system using standard tram 40 and also pantograph tram 174 for the section from North Station to Fleetwood.
Photo taken Sunday 7 April 1957, Mellor Brook Road
271. SDF201From left to right - Midland Red 4233, UHA233, a BMMO CL3 originally new in 1954 with a Willowbrook C37C body, but lengthened and rebodied with a Plaxton Panorama C36F body in 1962; Midland Red 5672, EHA672D, a BMMO CM6T with BMMO C44Ft body, new in 1966; Black & White, Cheltenham 201, SDF201, an AEC Reliance MU3RV with Willowbrook C37C body, new in 1957.
Photo taken Summer 1970, Digbeth Coach Station, Birmingham
314. 3285WBSheffield United operated the very first Plaxton Panorama bodied coaches and 285, 3285WB, seen here in Waterdale, Doncaster was an AEC MU3RV Reliance with C41F body, new in February 1958, from the first delivery. It was one of six new that year between January and May (285-290, 3285-3290WB).
Photo taken Sunday 30 July 1967, Waterdale, Doncaster
353. LDB744A line up at Victoria Coach Station of North Western vehicles. 744, LDB744, was an A.E.C. MU3RA Reliance with a Weymann Fanfare C41F body; 836, RDB836, an A.E.C. 2MU3RA Reliance with an Alexander C41F body and 768, LDB768, a Leyland PSUC1/2 Tiger Cub with Willowbrook DP41F body.
Photo taken Monday 22 May 1961, London Victoria Coach Station
365. RCY804Former East Midland D122, WAL122, a Leyland Titan PD3/4 with Weymann Orion L35/32RD body, new in 1957. On the right is former Neath & Cardiff RCY804, an AEC Reliance MU3RV with Weymann Fanfare C41F body, new in 1958, passing to South Wales Transport in 1970 as its 102.
Photo taken Summer 1972, North's Yard, Sherburn-in-Elmet
426. 346BUP346BUP was an A.E.C. 2MU3RA Reliance with an early Plaxton Panorama C41F body which was new in January 1959 to Gardiner, Spennymoor. It passed to General, Chester-le-Street in September 1960 and to Mansfield, Welch & Burling (t/a Burwell & District), Burwell, with whom it is seen here at Ascot, in April 1961.
Photo taken Saturday 23 June 1962, Ascot
513. XWX795Seen arriving at Wembley Stadium, after conversion to a Motor Home, is XWX795, an A.E.C. 2MU3RV Reliance with a Roe body which, when new to Felix, Hatfield in May 1959, had a C41F configuration, and fleet number 40.
Photo taken Saturday 5 June 1976, Wembley Stadium
536. 466YMGSince the photograph of this in original condition, taken by John Boylett, appeared, I have been reminded that this A.E.C. 2MU3RA Reliance 466YMG, saw further life in a new incarnation and it is seen here in Blackpool with Holmeswood, Rufford, having been new in 1960 to Valliant, London W.5 with a Duple Midland Donington C40F body.
Photo taken Monday 5 August 1974, Blackpool
538. 495ALHChesterfield Corporation former 255, 3255NU, a Daimler CCG6 with Weymann H37/28F body, new in 1963, later converted into a Training Bus; alongside is 12, 495ALH, an AEC Reliance 2MU2RA with Willowbrook B42D body, new as London Transport RW1 in 1960.
Photo taken 1973, Stonegravels Garage, Chesterfield
570. 99GALBarton, Chilwell 936, 99GAL, seen at the Yelloway Coach Station in Bloomfield Road, Blackpool, was an A.E.C. 2MU3RA Reliance with a Harrington Cavalier C41F body, the first of three new in June 1960 to Dennis (Robin Hood), Nottingham.
Photo taken Sunday 16 April 1972, Yelloway Coach Station, Bloomfield Road, Blackpool
575. EHD976Hebble 11, EHD976, an AEC Reliance with Harrington C41F body, new to Yorkshire Woollen District in in 1960, joining Hebble in 1970 with fleet number 434 and renumbered as 11 in November 1971. Seen here in the rough parking ground in Barnsley, adjacent to the bus station, which was often used as an overflow area.
Photo taken June 1972, Barnsley
583. NMS365Alexander Northern, Aberdeen NAC154, NMS365, seen at Rosehearty, was an A.E.C. 2MU3RV Reliance with an Alexander C41F body, new as Alexander AC154 in March 1960, which became Alexander Northern NAC154 in May 1961, although the 'N' prefix was not applied to the vehicle until 1962.
Photo taken Thursday 30 July 1970, Rosehearty
601. TFN431East Kent TFN431, a 1960 AEC Reliance with Park Royal DP41F body, hiding its 11 years in service superbly, passes the foot of Surrey Road, Cliftonville, where I believe, each road had an illuminated sign during the holiday season. A few of the "excursionists" are sufficiently awake to spot the photographer.
Photo taken Saturday 24 July 1971, Eastern Esplanade, Margate
660. 6242UM6242UM, of Taylor, London S.E.1. , was an A.E.C. 2MU3RV Reliance with a Plaxton Embassy C41C body which, when new in June 1961, had been hired by Wallace Arnold from Stanley Hughes (Dealer), Gomersal. It was in Kitchin livery when new, was licensed to Wallace Arnold (Devon) and operated in Devon.
Photo taken Monday 27 May 1974, Byward Street, London
694. OIP791Suir Valley Services of Fiddown, Eire, OIP791, an AEC Reliance 2MU3RA built 1961 with a Yeates Fiesta body, new to Hankinson, Salford, it passed to Soames, Otley, in May 1962 before being exported to Eire and reaching Bowers, Fiddown (trading as Suir Valley Services) by April 1968.
Photo taken July 1975, Waterford Waterfront
705. RMS727Oban has seen a variety of operators since it was a Alexander (Midland) outpost, then transferred to the Highland Omnibuses area. Along with ex Midland MAC (RMS727) , AEC Reliance/Alexander C41F now Highland B76, ex Central SMT AC3, FGM103D, Albion Viking, now Highland AV5, with Alexander coach body sits outside the former Midland garage in Oban Town.
Photo taken Jul 1972, Oban Garage
747. 2921DKVagg, Knockin Heath, 2921DK, seen at Vagg's garage, was an A.E.C. 4MU3RA Reliance with a Harrington Cavalier C45F body which had been new, in April 1962, to Yelloway, Rochdale, hence the roof mounted destination box.
Photo taken Thursday 5 August 1971, Knockin Heath
779. 649CNWThomas, West Ewell 649CNW a 1962 A.E.C. 2MU3RA Reliance with a Harrington Cavalier C43F body, seen here in Stoneleigh Park Road, Stoneleigh, whilst working a rail replacement service, had been acquired from Austin, Dorking, in whose livery it is seen, in July 1975.
Photo taken Sunday 9 July 1978, Stoneleigh Park Road, Stoneleigh
780. 649CNWStanley Hughes (dealer), Gomersal maintained a fleet of coaches for seasonal hire to operators. This fleet was a mixture of new vehicles, usually on lightweight chassis, and older vehicles taken in from operators. Wallace Arnold used to hire vehicles on a regular seasonal basis and those for 1962 were 81-83 BUA Plaxton bodied Ford 570Es, 84-86 BUA Duple bodied Ford 570Es and the subject of this image, 649CNW, which was an A.E.C. 2MU3RA Reliance with a Harrington Cavalier (31' 5") C43F body, which had been new to Hughes in April 1962.
Photo taken Saturday 6 October 1962, London Victoria Coach Station
839. 134CMRSwindon 134, 134CMR, featured in an AEC publicity photograph and seemed to continue to like attention, being sold after withdrawal for use as a caravan, the owner keeping the Swindon livery which it retained to the end. It was an AEC Reliance 2MU3RA with a Willowbrook B41D body and is seen here in March 1978 far from home in Greenfield, near Oldham, with a GMT Standard in the background.
Photo taken Sunday 26 March 1978, Manchester Road, Greenfield, near Oldham
871. 591EYUContinental Pioneer, Richmond 591EYU, an AEC 2U3RA Reliance with Duple Northern Continental C48F body, was new to Global Tours, London W.1. and is seen in Scarborough at Westwood Coach Park alongside ONM298H, a Duple C41F bodied Bedford SB5, of Cook, Dunstable.
Photo taken Wednesday 19 April 1972, Westwood Coach Park, Scarborough
906. JHD830Hebble 29, FJX171E, a Plaxton bodied AEC Reliance, and 17, JHD830, a Plaxton bodied Leyland Leopard, once operated by Yorkshire Woollen District, and both are on Yorkshire Pool services which used Barnsley as an interchange.
Photo taken June 1972, off Eldon Street, Barnsley
1,036. J16590Mascot Motors, St. Helier, 2, J16590, was an A.E.C. 2MU4RA Reliance with a 7' 6" wide Harrington Cavalier C41F body having a Grenadier lower front panel, fitted from new, seen in Gloucester Street, St. Helier.
Photo taken Thursday 26 April 1979, Gloucester Street, St. Helier
1,051. BCT899CBCT899C was an A.E.C. 2MU3RA Reliance with a Plaxton Panorama C43F body which entered service with Wing, Sleaford in March 1965 as number 17, but the chassis had been new in 1959, registered WLY 497, with a Duple C34C body with Global, London W.1. who withdrew it in 1962 after an accident. It was seen in Station Road, Chingford on its way to the Cub & Scout Jamboree at Gilwell Park, Epping Forest
Photo taken Saturday 7 July 1973, Station Road, Chingford
1,066. BOF857CForest Greyhound Grenadier BOF857C resting after running to Weston-super-Mare, one of 6 Harrington Grenadier bodied AEC Reliances (3 long and 3 shorter like this one) new to Bowen, Birmingham in March 1965, serving until 1971/72. This one passed to Percy Grindle of Cinderford, who traded as Forest Greyhound to distinguish his business (set up in 1927) from that of his father (H.R.Grindle) who had started with horse-drawn carriages. H.R.Grindle was later joined by Percy's brother Roy. BOF857C was in the fleet from March 1972 until August 1974, passing then to Nadder Valley, Tisbury.
Photo taken Summer 1973, Locking Road Coach Park, Weston-super-Mare
1,187. FHE332DTwo 1966 Plaxton Panoramas, seen at Victoria Coach Station, illustrate the different treatment of the side mouldings, and stainless steel trim, between Yelloway, Rochdale FDK415D, a C45F bodied A.E.C. 2U3RA Reliance, and Yorkshire Traction, Barnsley 1332, FHE332D, a C49F bodied Leyland PSU3/3RT Leopard.
Photo taken Saturday 25 March 1967, London Victoria Coach Station
1,228. FJX171EHebble 29, FJX171E, a Plaxton bodied AEC Reliance, and 17, JHD830, a Plaxton bodied Leyland Leopard, once operated by Yorkshire Woollen District, and both are on Yorkshire Pool services which used Barnsley as an interchange.
Photo taken June 1972, off Eldon Street, Barnsley
1,253. LCX34EHanson, Huddersfield 405, LCX34E, an AEC Reliance 6MU3R with Willowbrook B53F body, new in 1967. It passed to Huddersfield Corporation as their number 1 on takeover of Hanson's stage services in 1969, and into WYPTE ownership as 4001 in 1974. Withdrawn by 1980 it passed via Central Motor Auctions to T. Wigley, breaker, Carlton, in the April of that year.
Photo taken June 1968, Upperhead Row Bus Station, Huddersfield
1,331. DPT895GShaw Bros., Byers Green DPT895G, seen here in Midland Road at the side of St. Pancras station, was an A.E.C. 6MU3R Reliance with a Plaxton Panorama I C51F body new in February 1969. This was an unusual coach in having the only 36 foot Panorama I body on an A.E.C. Reliance chassis in the 1969 body series, when the Panorama Elite was the standard coach body. This became United 1157 in January 1975 and is recorded, incorrectly, in the P.S.V. Circle Fleet History PA19 as having a Plaxton Panorama Elite body.
Photo taken Saturday 1 April 1972, Midland Road, London St. Pancras
1,341. KJX3GOK Motor Services acquired KJX3G, an AEC Reliance 6U2R with Alexander DP53F bodywork, in October 1975. It had been new to Hebble, 3, in May 1969 with C49F bodywork. The following year it was renumbered 503 and passed to West Riding in August 1971 who numbered it 100; three months later it was again renumbered, this time to 272. On withdrawal in February 1975 it passed to North's from whom OKMS purchased it. It had been re-seated as above by the time it entered service in April 1976. Safe in the knowledge that it wouldn't suffer any more identity crises as OK didn't go in for anything as vulgar as fleet numbers, it gave sterling service until withdrawal in February 1982; it was used for spares and the remains went to Blacket's of Butterknowle for scrap.
Photo taken 1976, Middleton Road, Woodland, County Durham
1,360. WYP203GAcquired by Thomas, West Ewell from Surrey Motors, Sutton, for spares, in December 1973 after accident damage, WYP203G, an A.E.C. 6MU3R Reliance, had its Plaxton Panorama Elite body replaced by a Plaxton Panorama Elite III C41F body, re-entering service in November 1974.
Photo taken West Ewell
1,386. ELU604JThis A.E.C. 6U3ZR Reliance with a Plaxton Panorama Elite II C44F body, ELU604J, seen here in Beechcroft Road, London S.W.17 in the livery of Frames Tours, London W.C.2, although carrying a Timpson's fleetname board, was new to Timpson, London S.E.6 in February 1971 and was transferred to National Travel (South East) in January 1974 along with the rest of the fleet. It was one of three painted for hire to Frames Tours during the season but, due to a downturn in traffic, was not used as such.
Photo taken Sunday 31 March 1974, Beechcroft Road, London