This gallery features pictures of (mainly) forties, fifties and sixties preserved buses and trolleybuses taken at rallies, events and open days around the country during 2015. Click here for the 2014 gallery or here for the 2016 gallery.
South East Bus Festival, Detling, 28th March 2015
Kirkby Stephen Easter Running Days, 4th/5th April 2015
London Bus Museum Spring Gathering, 19th April 2015
Keighley Bus Museum Open Day, 26th April 2015
FOKAB Running Day Winchester, 4th May 2015
Southdown Centenary Rally, Southsea, 7th June 2015
Watercress Line Rally, 19th July 2015
Brislington Rally, 9th August 2015
Dorchester Rally, 16th August 2015
Yorkshire Dales Bus Running Day, 11th October 2015